Base parts decaying without reason or warning?

This is a wide spread problem especially on official servers…

I have lost count of all the stuff I’ve been losing to this weird “decay” that mostly seems to happen right after a server restart.

I’ve been searching for clues to why this happens, what’s in common and like others I have come to a conclusion that the games sometimes change decay status to abandoned if items are stacked, like stuff on a shelf, carpet, table etc.
But the weird thing is that sometimes it also affects things that aren’t stacked like fx crafting benches, I nearly lost an armor bench containing several named armorers + a ton of resources to craft armors after a server restart, had I logged in a few hours later it would all have been gone.

Sadly there doesn’t seem to be any safe place for stuff you really don’t want to lose to a decay glitch, recently I lost a chest that was placed on the floor, it contained all my spare Epic armors, I have come to a point where my gameplay on official server have been put on halt and now I just visit the base 2 times a week to avoid the entire thing from decaying, I hardly play anymore because this bugged decay system is so disheartening.

I am sure they are aware and working to find out what is causing it, but I don’t know if it has a high enough priority because you never hear them say that they have acknowledged the problem as a big one.

Just discovered today that a greater wheel in my volcano base (which I built a circular base around, mind you) decayed. It took with it all the T3 & T4 thralls that had been cooking along with the T4 taskmaster and a number of belongings that I’d stored on it since the big wheels have so much extra space. Keep in mind that the rest of the base (which had max decay time) was A-OK.

Not sure if I’ll even be able to place the wheel back inside it, and might even need to demolish the whole base and start over. REALLY not happy about this… :sob:

Now the messed up part is that if I’m reading the log correctly, it states that it abandoned on 3-23 @ 8:48pm, but then it got refreshed on 3-24 @ 12:15. Why then, does the message on the line where it has normalized state that it will abandon in the past? Yes, on 3-24 @ 12:15, it says it will decay on 3-23 @ 11:56pm — 12 hours in the past.

And then, little more than 26 hours later, it poofs and takes the taskmaster’s favorite cup, and the light atop the capstan with it… Along with Manos the Handful and his young recruits.

A writing desk here or there I don’t mind, but this one hurt…

This kind of stuff. Still happening.

I’m beginning to wonder if it would be safer to use a bunch of Bearer Thralls instead of storage containers. They don’t even need to eat anymore, and if the structure underneath them disappears they’ll just float in the air.

Here’s my theory (maybe true, maybe not). When you come into range of your base, and the server loads it in, a bug can cause a placeable to become “abandoned” right away. However, since you are in refresh range the timer instantly goes back to normal.
However! If some other (non-clan) player comes in range of your base and the same thing occurs, then the buggy placeable doesn’t refresh. And now you have an “abandoned” placeable right smack in the middle of your base that you need to catch within the next 24 hours.

Every time I’ve run into this bug the placeable did have something on top of it. So there might be something to that.

The game is supposed to let you take up to a week off. But, as things are right now, you have to sign in every day just to make sure some random part of your structure doesn’t get picked for the decay lotto.

Other random decay items that I’ve caught happening in the middle of a non-decaying base…


Yes and the really odd thing is that the event log can be persistent in telling you it’s going to abandon even though your repair hammer shows 168 hours.

Makes me wonder if Funcom stealth patched in some sort of “crush” mechanic. If the game detects something too heavy on top of something else - SQUISH!!

But, because of the way Funcom programs things, tables, carpets, shelf’s and workbenches are being flattened by cups and candles and canisters. God forbid a feather lands on top of your vault. :smiley:

But today is patch day. Did Funcom stealth fix this issue, or are people still experiencing it?

I would also possibly add wall palisades to that list. I have been victimized by the random decay as well. They are placed on foundations and those do not decay and all connected.

I also have chests on shelves (I keep nothing more valuable than ichor or leather in them). Good stuff stays on the bottom. But I have a few chests (not on shelves ofc) that if they randomly decayed I would :scream: :sob: