Bashar's Conan Server: enhanced end-game [PvPvE]

Welcome! My server is intended to help reinvigorate the Conan Exiles end-game experience, keeping the game fresh after you’ve reached level 60 and acquired your favorite gear. Central to this is a land claim system where players compete to hold forts on the map for their faction.

While PvP is an important aspect of this server, there are roles available for all player types:

  • :crossed_swords: Fighters: Skilled warriors are needed to overcome a fort’s cadre of defenders. Additionally, a fort can’t be captured without a legendary key, so players will need to face enhanced world boss encounters to progress in faction play.

  • :hammer_and_wrench: Support: Newly conquered forts start with minimal security or features. By delivering supplies, you can upgrade them with stronger defenses, add more desirable wares to the embedded merchant, and generate a steady stream of gold coins as taxes. Supply boxes don’t come free, though, so resources will have to be sourced to purchase them.

  • :clinking_glasses: Social: Factions can be made up of several clans so communicators can play an important role in coordinating strategies, negotiating truces, or plotting betrayals. Scouting is also an important non-combat role, keeping an eye on the enemy from a distance and reporting on their movements.

:cinema: To get started, this video will help guide you toward advancing your character. There are key differences between my server and vanilla Conan Exiles, so it’s a recommended watch even for veteran players.

:cinema: This video offers a preview of the server’s core vision. I’m still building a core group of players to make this possible, so feel free to join my Discord channel linked below if you want to be part of the community.


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UPDATE 14-JUL-2024

Based on player feedback, this update sees improvements geared toward improving the new game experience.

  • Global harvesting rate has been increased slightly. While still below vanilla, this should help solo players can get established on the server.

  • A new quest giver named Captain Ironsides has been introduced to Cottonwood Cove. He offers a seven part quest line for low level players to earn experience points and silver coin.

  • Captain Ironsides will also sell an Eldarium Pick-axe to players who own the Isle of Siptah DLC. This helps equalize resource acquisition for high and low level players.

  • The tutorial quest offered by Dead Sea at the start now awards a lump sum of gold coins for reaching the Shattered Basin player hub. The gold can be used to level up your character by donating to the Priestess, buy epic quality gear, or Tier 3 building materials.

  • The Armorer at Cottonwood Cove now sells Tier 2 building materials for Stonebrick and Insulated Wood constructions. This gives lowbies an alternative to harvesting when setting up a starter base.

Note: Building decay is temporarily disabled until there is enough momentum to make faction play viable.

Come visit the good captain and get started exploring the Exiled Lands for fun and profit!

UPDATE 24-AUG-2024

A new quest giver has been added to The Shattered Basin. Doraline Márquez offers rewards to players who bring her “Keystone” artifacts. The Scourgestone pieces are an introductory quest, which unlocks an alternating daily quest to defeat one of the five dungeon bosses.

The Keystone bosses have been enhanced with additional mobs to balance them with end-game characters. This includes the Kinscourge, the Degenerate, the Undead Dragon, the Witch Queen and the King Beneath.

Thrall decay has been temporarily disabled, in line with building decay.

Work in progress: The next update will focus on the sever economy, getting it ready to restore the Treasure Coffer / Purge mechanics. This means setting crafting multiplier back to 1.0 (to bypass an exploit) and significant devaluation of gold and silver. Bronze coins will be the new trade currency going forward.

Come say hi to Doraline and pack your backpack for adventure!

UPDATE 01-SEP-2024

I have reworked the server economy. The trade currency used by vendors is now Rare Gemstones instead of Gold Coins. This will help alleviate the inflation caused by Al-merayah and other Chapter additions implemented by FunCom.

Purges are back! With the economy re-balance, I could side-step the exploit that forced me to remove Treasure Coffers. I am looking forward the the new gameplay opportunities this brings with it.

UPDATE 28-SEP-2024

There are two new NPCs at the Starter Area of Cottonwood Cove. The Priestess functions like her counterpart in Shattered Basin, giving players experience points in exchange for gem stones, which can be acquired though quests or trade. She will also sell respec potions for loyalty currency.

The Praefectus is a new character designed to help new players get established on the server by trading raw building materials for refined building resources at a generous rate of exchange. So if you bring him 100 units of Wood, he’ll give you 300 units of Shaped Wood in return. This is further facilitated by his selling Star Metal Pickaxes, meaning that entry level players can harvest at the same rate as veterans.

The accessibility of experience points and building materials both contribute to helping players get to Stonebrick tier constructions as soon as possible.

The functionality of the Praefectus to exchange materials has been replicated with the Decanus at Shattered Basin, though at a gradually decreasing rate as players level up. It will eventually also be expanded to Forts, making these strategic areas for development to the factions that hold them.

I have also temporarily raised the harvesting rate to help seed the server while we’re still getting established.

At the request of several players, I have also added [**Evil's Cabinet**]( to the mod list, adding a variety of new armors and outfits for players to customize their appearance with. It's a big mod but I found it to be well designed and the crafting costs and equipment stats do not conflict with vanilla items. Click on the name to access the Steam Workshop page for more information.

UPDATE 17-OCT-2024

The server is operational with the Age of Heroes expansion installed. I haven’t recruited a companion yet but the worker thralls look great milling about.

Shattered Basin has a new NPC named Antony. He’s in charge of the arena, responsible for taking care of and training the animals for combat. That means he needs a steady supply of pets. Deliver him the cubs, calfs or hatchlings he needs for a reward of gems and XP.

In return, if you own the Isle of Siptah DLC, Antony will also offer to sell you a pet exclusive to that map. This creates an avenue for players to have Feral Dogs, Island Lynx, Lacerta, JungleClaws, Aardwolves, Mountain Lions or Siptah Rhinos as pets on the Exiled Lands map.

UPDATE 05-NOV-2024

A new quest giver has been added to the server hub at Shattered Basin. Her name is Kai and she is the cook who prepares the meals that Midea sells at the chow hut. If you want to go on a quest to find all 14 cooking and brewing recipes scattered about the Exiled Lands, she will guide you in the right direction. Once you’ve collected the recipes in each of the five regions, she will give you XP to help level you up and gems you can spend at the market vendors for supplies and gear. Kai gives players additional motivation to trek the map from Buccaneer Bay to the Mounds of the Dead.

UPDATE 29-NOV-2024

Some small changes this month based on player feedback:

● The Stamina pool has been increased while the recharge rate has been slowed. This should give players more flexibility in combat while keeping a balance between offense and defense.
● NPCs have been made glassier with increased incoming and outgoing damage, to make fights a little more decisive (one way or another).

● The XP reward for doing the tutorial has been increased to guarantee new players will reach at least level 20 by the time they’re ready to leave the starter base. This gives players a power boost as well as access to stonebrick construction in the first hour of gameplay.
● A free shaleback pet is given as part of the tutorial so that players have early access to a companion and extra carrying capacity. The pet can be replaced once per day by delivering a hatchling to the quest giver.

● Food vendors have had their menues adjusted to give players easier access to useful buffs, such as health, stamina, damage and carrying capacity.

● Players can receive a mutually exclusive “Daily” opportunity each day. This may include access to high tier tools, additional pets, bonus resources etc. Choosing one such opportunity will cancel out the others until the timer runs out the following day. This consolidation helps clean up pippi scripts on the back end.

UPDATE 15-DEC-2024

● A new vendor has been added to the player hub at Shattered Basin. Gloria van Graff sells Star Metal and Obsidian weapons, as well as the Whirlwind Blades and the Havoc and Malice dual axe set.
● The availability of black ice, obsidian, and star metal now affects the price of equipment sold by Gloria and the Blacksmith at Shattered Basin. Availability is determined by the amount of these resources sold to and purchased from the rare material vendor, Dale Barton.

● I have moved the starting spawn from the desert to the starter base along the river. This should help prevent new players from getting lost before they can begin the tutorial.
● Players can now join a faction after completing the tutorial quests at the starter base. This will allow them to get involved in the Faction Play meta game without needing to first be inducted by one of the team captains.

● Camels have been added to Antony’s list of Siptah pets. They’re less expensive than other pets and don’t require you to first complete Antony’s mini-quest.
● Completing Kai’s quest now awards players the legendary cleaver and prompts Midea to offer a better rate on meats sold to her.

NOTICE 21-MAR-2025

We’re having a Farewell to Al-Merayah event. Public access trebuchets are set up with a variety of ammo for players to pummel the castle until it is removed on the 25th. There are three trebuchets facing the north, west, and south sides respectively to give you plenty of firing angles. Here’s some Twitch footage taken from earlier in the week:

If you’re fresh to the server, there’s a tutorial quest built in that will get you up to levels 20-30 within the span of an hour and teach you the server basics. You can also bypass the trek north to the savanna by using a portal that connects the welcome center on Noob river to one of my trebuchets overlooking the castle.

So you’re welcome to log on, roll up a character, and pay your respects to Al-Merayah before it fades into the mists.