Battle pass P2W

Hey so what’s up with the dog pet you can’t even kill it? Clan of 6 all had them they were staggering us, crippling, and light damage. But we’re aren’t aloud to kill it? How is that fair lmao like and 200k window pieces?? They always contradict what they say I swear.


Wait patiently they will fix it after couple months - i wish it was joke but past shows that they don’t do emergency fixes when they are needded :confused:

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I know FC is aware of this issue and hopefully working on it. They have removed posts about this before so I don’t expect this to remain. I would be curious if it’s happening on the guard dog skin in the bazaar as well and I haven’t tested the other wolf skins to see if it’s all of the skins or just that one.

Its being worked on to my knowledge.

TBH I’m surprised this thread isn’t about the P2W armor. But I’m suspecting that one isn’t well known about yet. But take heart, its been reported and likely will be fixed before people catch on. Anyone exploiting it will likely get retroactively disappointed in the results.

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Which armour? I know some building pieces with 200k is kinda op

You’ll see it in the next set of patchnotes.

Unless they don’t fix it, then I might make a fuss about it.

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Psssst! Do not make that public :smiley:

If any proof was needed about the fox or the structures

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I wonder if you can place a bomb on the window ledge you can stand on it. @zput2bed

Please make it public lmao so they can fix it. I also hate the fact I hav e to but the item on battle pass bazar/ to even use it like talk about milking the game . Should think about making the game free at this point if they want you to buy everything

If you want to ruin your own game, go to singleplayer and admin cheat all your stuff. Go play that other game your favorite tuber is telling you to.

Lmao either way if it’s not announced how will they know? Even if they do they take months to fix so might as well get it out there to be known

It remained for some weeks now. How come they dont just fix it instead than wait for an upcoming patch that will fix the some of it but let some of it be, and also add new stuff that’s not tested properly.

Game has never seen this amount of f-ups in several years, even if in the past there was several aswell.

Doesnt matter since that’s not the point. 200k is 40+ bombs, having a ledge where u can place like 1-4 bombs when people just can hit it once and it’s repaired for no cost.

Look I’m not convinced this is actually ‘pay to win’ I think this is more of a case of the items being bugged and not working as they are supposed to essentially, not that this distinction helps.

At least I hope this is the case. Either way it does needs to be remedied, especially the grey foxes / wolves :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Urgh, complaints about the 2 tiles high windows having 200k, so they must be OP. Again. They’re the same hit points as 2 stacked 100k walls.

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You don’t remember when Xbox couldn’t even play for about 4 months? How about the lagfest that the older consoles are experiencing? Perspective of what a broke game is needs to be standardized…no an immortal fox isn’t a broke game within the context of others not even being able to play. Yes it’s getting exploited and there will be a fix coming but you can still play. PS4 users should have the priority over anything in the battle pass right now.


Kill the foxes with poisoned or explosive arrows!
yeah, this issue has been public for a few weeks already.

Funcom takes too long to submit emergency fixes, always have, always be!
Community should stop paying for content and private sever.Maybe Funcom changes!


I just want to add almost all of the new storm glass pieces have roughly 30k more hp than other t3 pieces with exception to the rose window which obviously is complete broken. I also saw a video that you can infinitely stack the new storm glass pillars inside each other so gg funcom


Yeah, I did the same when I bought it. One of the first things I tested haha

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