After I made the battlepass level 60 wight horse - I noticed it didn’t have a saddle slot.
When placing the saddle in its inventory instead, it auto equips it.
I am unable to remove the placed saddle nor exchange it for another.
“take” button doesn’t work.
Wow, so you are already done with the Battle Pass? Please don’t take this the wrong way, but it reminds me of my teenage son when he eats … I am often left wondering if he even TASTES the food.
Yeah I can see that but I also know some folks that just went in solo player admin and spawned in everything they needed so they got done super fast. I’m only 1/3 of the way there but I’m running them practically 1 hour a night as I enjoy all the goodies in 3.0…balancing my need to close out open tasks with savoring the game.