BattlePass Stupidity?

From everything I am reading the BattlePass is basically paid DLC that you get the great honor of missing out on if you do not play while it is available. What is the point? You have to pay to earn the rewards but if you are not able to play and miss them then you cant go back and buy them if you want them. They have basically created system where you cant own certain items in the game if you missed them, even if you are willing to pay?

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Back when it was starting, Funcom ‘promised’ they would make the items available in other ways eventually. But we are deep into AoW and that eventually is drifting further and further away.

Google “FoMO”.
TLDR: People are willing to pay more money for stuff that is available for a limited time. Also, in theory, it makes players engage with the game more often, which creates a nice-looking chart for the investors.


Of course it is paid-for DLC content. Before the new Chapters’ content, the twelve DLCs were released. These had a lot of content ‘many’ players did not need/want/use, so have been scaled back to the BattlePass stuff. The BattlePass stuff contains a lot of stuff that’s likely aimed at the PvE and Roleplay communities as it contains reskins of existing stuff.

BattlePass stuff rotates around. Funcom sped the rotation cycles around. If you miss an item one day/week, you’ve a very good chance seeing it next time it rotates through. I agree, it would be nice if the whole lot on offer were all displayed at once, but Funcom appear to just be following what other Devs do to get players to fomo-part with cash, but no-one forces anyone to buy BattlePass content.

Players can also get free content via the Challenges TAB and also via Twitch stream-watching, as well as via the Journey quests.

So, ways of getting extra goodies?

  1. BattlePass (paid)
  2. Challenges (free)
  3. Journey steps (free)
  4. Twitch drops (free)
  5. DLCs (old stuff)

You can still buy all the DLC - I see they are all cheaper than when I bought them.
You can also dig about in Mods, which are all for free and astoundingly well presented.
If all else fails, a player could even join the awesome Modding community and make whatever they want via the DevKit.

“Stupidity”? No. Good business. I have never gotten much free stuff via any games I play or programs I use. New content needs salaried Dev and Art people (unless you’re a Modder - who also tolerate donations if forced on them). I know players that have every single BattlePass, Journey, Challenge, DLC, and Twitch item available, and many have never paid more than the cost of the actual game.

Hmm paid $10 once, is easy to finish a pass; I usually have them done the first month with out trying. That keeps handing you more then enough croms to buy the next pass. So buy once and the rest are free.

So pretty much a none stop drop of free goodies.

Thing is, this is and old tool to get butts in seats for the player count. Basically funcom is giving you free stuff to keep the player count up. When that quits working we’ll get door
 login prizes.

Pretty sure I saw them for $5 each on sale not that long ago. I bought them when they dropped because building is part of Conan that I enjoy. Have not even spent funcoms croms at the bazaar.

Not my first tencent game. This is SOP for them. Not saying this sort of marketing is limited to them.

Still working on the journey steps, but ya. Yet still wont shop the bazaar.

1: Buyer beware.
2: Prices leaning in to gouging territory.
3: Incomplete sets.
4: P2W items that get nerfed; just do the math before the release please.
5: No drawbridges.

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Yep, the DLCs have danced around the pricings circles, for sure.

[quote=“DeaconElie, post:4, topic:247549”]
first tencent game. This is SOP for them. [/quote]
Yes, of course. That is their pattern - and I suspect it has not entirely worked as they were hoping. I saw a chat-chain ‘splaining that process and that it ‘works well’ if they keep making people feel like they are missing out. I also only grab stuff from all things not Bazaar. I do ‘justify’ for myself, spending no more than the original DLCs for any Chapters’ cycle. As the Bazaar pricing is hugely inflated against the DLCs, I get very little.

Very roughly, each item per DLC cost around ÂŁ0.13 each (if DLC costed at ÂŁ8.99)
In the Bazaar, nothing by the most excessive SET is close to that. I never get any single items as they are between ÂŁ1.00 and ÂŁ4.00 each!

The items that come out of the Journey, Challenges, and Twitch are more than enough. Otherwise, as the art of the designs remain great so I do the DLC equivalence purchase per chapter.

The two single items for the 29th are 170Ccc and 760ccoins respectively - which are around ÂŁ1.00 for the one and ÂŁ4.50 for the other
The Set, lasting for 14 days, is an economical ÂŁ0.30 per item by comparison

I keep hoping they will add a way to redo any battlepass for chapters that you’ve missed. I didn’t even know Conan was a thing until a friend gifted it to me last Christmas, so I missed Age of Sorcery Chapter 1 which was a great BP and had some really nice stuff.

I’d be fine playing through the challenges and having to earn my way through it; I’d be fine even doing all of that and not getting the Crom Coins that come as part of it. That way, the coins are a reward for playing during the chapter but people that come in late don’t miss out on all the other stuff, especially because BP/BLP stuff is account bound so you can’t even share with friends who start later unlike DLC stuff.

They have already started repeating stuff from the original launch of Chapter One - so just be patient I guess :wink:

And as I was reminded earlier, before buying (anything), just apply the ‘coffee and muffin’ test.
How much do you spend (per day?) for an over-the-counter coffee fave beverage and a muffin/biscuit? :upside_down_face: :coffee: :cookie:

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That’s an simple question to answer. $0.

I bring my own bottle of water to work with me. :rofl:


Depends the area i am working. In the village that i am working right now, the Coffee cup costs 1.8 Euro, so i spend 2 Euro per day for this. In the center costs 2.8 Euro so i spend 3.

Was that bottle of water free?

I B poe. I live on a fixed income; which means I’m usually broke. I make a pot of coffee in the AM, and being diet conscious have a protean bar for breakfast. Total $.32.

If I spend anything on a hobby/interest it’s going to cost more then my breakfast.

Note: Not why I don’t shop the bazaar.

OK technically the 35 pack of water does cost $4.99, which breaks down to 14.25 cents per bottle. I don’t eat breakfast or actually consume anything for lunch other than the bottle of water so until dinner I intake 14.25 cents per day. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heehee that also has nothing to do with my choice of not using the bazaar.

Yes. The issue is, as OP stated, the price they want people to pay for the amount of content they are selling.

The issue, again, being that you pay more for less stuff.
Let’s take an example that is right now in the bazaar. The Guard dog set.
The guard dog set contains:

  • 1 deco piece
  • 1 pet skin
  • 1 wall thing

It costs 1239 coins with the discount applied. Using the highest value coin package, that comes to about 7.9€
Coincidentally, that’s little more than a DLC with the current discount on Steam. DLC which contains multiple pet skins or deco pieces, building pieces, weapons skins and armour skins.
That is ridiculous.
Like, if you want pet skins, you can buy one of the DLCs, get more petskins for a lower price and then a whole bunch of extra “free” stuff.

Just like the DLCs.

It doesn’t. You are thinking about the Bazaar.

Yea, they “fixed” the rotation a few times already. Let’s see if it works this time.

That’s not content, that’s chores.

Good for them, not for the players.

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  • Well yes, Companies want/need to make money, it’s how they pay salaries.
  • No-one is forced to spend even one sestertius, or part thereof without choosing to.
  • The Core game doesn’t need any additional paid-for content to work without issue.
  • There’s a lot of free (other than player’s time) stuff available throughout all Chapters.
  • BattlePass content changes per Chapter - and yes, prior chapters have free stuff that does not appear to rotate back to availabiltity - same as Twitch content for so many other games including Conan Exiles (am almost sure I saw #36 (Roaring Beltch) in one of the Bazaars rotations (but don’t care) - there’s a ton of ‘loyalty content’ for most games that’s once-off and time-dependant.
  • ‘Chores’? - we’ll pop that up there when next going resource hunting then shall we :rofl:

Happily no game I have has yet to have tried forcing me to play their game or buy their content. I have a choice - like I don’t think I have ever completed all the Journey items, and likely never will - unless I choose to. One of the players on my servers has not bought any further content other than the core game, and they still play occasionally as they choose.

Would be interested to hear which games (still) out there, years on from their original 1.0 release and excluding Updates and Patches (and that you still play), give away free content?

He’s a constant Funcom mouthpiece/apologist.

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:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Only a couple of them, but their opinion has no weight.
Like water off a ducks back.

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