Bazaar New Corinthian Set NOT Accessible After Purchase Online!

That’s right, I foolishly gave Funcom more money. And they responded by stealing it. I purchased the new Corinthian set just now and yet I cannot spawn any of it in Admin mode. Can spawn my previous purchases just fine. @AndyB kindly inform your employers this needs to be fixed NOW!

And I strongly suggest no one else buy a damn thing until there has been an official announcement stating that the issue has been resolved… along with an apology.


report it to zendesk or make a video so they can see it

So here’s a first. It actually required a restart of the game. Which it shouldn’t. But at least now I have what I paid for. Hopefully this will help anyone else who experiences this glitch.


See now there is your problem right there. I am sorry to just roll in here and criticise in the wake of a unpleasant situation Alexandria. Especially considering we have had a long history of pleasant interactions. However, their very well established track record, and nonchalance toward consumers is omnipresent and speaks for itself. And at this point I have a hard time feeling sympathetic for anyone who still buys items off the Bazaar in spite of this. There is a lesson to be learned here, but I suspect history will repeat itself instead.


does that new treasure chest form that set have the “lid not closing” problem as all the other new chests types?

I’ve not bought it, but I heard from others that it’s the same as the other chests. It does not close automatically. This appears to be a trend with all bazaar and BP chests, so don’t be too shocked.