well i will use my right to say its wrong to have a rotating store , i am using my right to say so, even tho, i agree with you, it will not change a bit. (sadly)
I didn’t say it won’t change. I’ve literally given a very simple instruction on how to make it stop. All those who don’t support FOMO have to do is not spend more money. Literally not type in 20-23 digits into a website somewhere. Literally keep y’alls mitts off the number row/pad of your keyboard.
This is one of the only times I’ll agree with Taemien.
If you don’t like the way it is done, their tactics or the results then stop buying.
At this point it’s the only way we’ll see meaningful change.
Any argument that starts with “if everyone” is void of efficacy.
FOMO works. FOMO is not a gaming companies thing. They just took a while to discover a way to implement what is probably the oldest sales trick in the book. The moment they had the technical ability and the method, they started using it. Was anything else to be expected? Realistically?
It doesn’t matter how much you protest. It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong. It’s sales.
Unlike physical commodities that are finite, digital items can be almost infinitely multiplied. So, there’s no way of them convicing us that we should buy because they’ll run out of stock soon. So, rotation. It might be rotation of the product or discounts, but there aren’t that many ways they can do it.
What we can reasonably ask is for a less aggressive sales tactic. Faster rotation, more availability, etc. Then they decide based on their sales model and data.
Guys, miss out. Learn to miss out. Cope with it. This is nothing truly important.
You’ll be happier. You miss out in all the stores you set your foot in. Or do you bring home a unit of every product available when you enter any store? It’s the same. Be happy with your purchases and enjoy them. When you can’t buy, it’s life. You won’t lose anything significant anyway.
Fight for the right battles. FOMO is here to stay, as in any business.
Demand finished quality products, reasonable prices, etc. Those are worthy battles. Trying to stop FOMO in sales is plainly impossible. It’s a lost cause.
They need to increase the rotation speed, the amounts of items listed and stop whitelisting cosmetics from players who haven’t purchased it. I have no problem supporting the game financially. I have a problem waiting weeks, if not months, for certain items. It is quite annoying that my friends can’t wear certain cosmetics because not everyone has it purchased and then they’re forced to wait long periods of time
This is true. The early access period had a pre-order gift, the royal armor, but apart from that there was nothing until Age of Sorcery.
Still, there should be more than one page of items. And rotation speed could be increased. Theres simply too many items in the bazaar now for anything else.
I don’t disagree. I also preferred a shop with discounts rotating instead of products.
While I too would love to see it, I don’t think we will since we see sales on Crom Coin. Sales on items would mean double dipping on savings. Don’t get me wrong… if I knew that would be a thing I would snatch up stuff in a heart beat.
So I think the only thing we’ll see close to sales is the bundles. But we can always hope.
I mean if you think about it, it might be the only way to get some people to purchase some of the Chapter 1 Age of Sorcery items that will have been in the game for over a year.
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