If you’re going to whitelist cosmetics you can’t then have a store rotation. “oh i can’t wear this, guess I’ll wait three weeks for it to rotate back in”. Either allow me to buy it whenever, or allow me to wear it without purchasing it. Stop with the impulse buy tactics. If it’s quality stuff, people will buy it regardless.
Why not both? They sound way better than the current iteration.
Oh right, Tencent.
I could understand the purpose of a rotation at it’s implementation. But the store is filled with enough options now we can have categories and such already.
Yes, and as it gets bigger, the longer the wait time. Especially if the item isn’t as popular as others. I don’t want to wait months for specific packs
its tencent, they want to stress people out with FOMO tactics, and it will get worse, they know what they are doing and know how to manipulate people, (sadly)
This might be tencent doing it but it is pretty common practice not limited to tencent.
Does no good to white list an item in a store that should be black listed.
I don’t see how anyone can do business with a store that is buyer beware. funcom can stick you with any broken, non functional, doesn’t look like the store page content they want and all you can do is complain.
I think the community would be better off concentrating on the real issues with the store.
Like no refunds.
No guarantees.
No reason to believe what you see is actually what you get.
Business practices that would shut down an actual store.
Absolutely. The store needs to change, and I prefer it would have more space in it for items.
I bought croins from the recent big discount, and now Im burning to spend them. But the store rotation is SOOOOO slow. Its going to take forever to get to what I want. Let me buy your stuff, Funcom!
At the very least increase the rotation speed, but preferably add more space to the store.
Hmmm…hey how about s buyers club? Where you purchase annual membership and have access to purchase any BLB items and release bundles and get discounts based on the years you have been a member?
The thing about rotation is it forces consumers to make up their mind. Digital purchases for a 5 year old game is not sound fiscal health so many times we decide to wait on a purchase that we are on the fence on. Fomo is a tactic in marketing to combat your logic that tells you that the money is better served paying off your credit card.
The guy who designed the Black Lotus Bazaar is a Funcom dev, not Tencent. He also didn’t get the idea of rotation from Tencent, but the general gaming market as a whole.
Also the FOMO started with the prerelease of the game. Everyone who got into the game since then knew how the FOMO was going to go and was alright with it. Which is why it continues. People say they don’t like FOMO, but their purchase history says otherwise.
give me a break, … the only fomo part was the pre order thing and we never saw anything fomo for years… until the bazaar…
some people will simply justify it, find an excuse for company wrong doings,
why not put everything in a listing and let people choose what to buy and what not? let customer decide when to spend their hard earned money , instead of trying to manipulate people with lame sales tactics. … i cant justify funcoms wrongdoing by saying others companies are doing it… it is still wrong regardless of others doing ti…
i wonder who came with the briliant idea ? how do you know this was not forced by tencent? is it a coincidence that all this happens with CE, after them buying funcom and knowing that other tencent games are using the same business practice? coincidence? i think not…
Their revenue goals for one. The DLC model wasn’t cutting it
well, having everything listed, will still net them money, i am not asking for lower prices, just have everything listed, just want people to be able tomake their own decisions on their own time, without “tricks”
trust me i support with money., but the rotation FOMO practice as it is right now needs to stop
they could have a rotation thing going on with discounted things and bundles , but rest should be available for eveyrone at any time. (at full price)
There’s no coincidence one way or another, the date of acquiring majority shares doesn’t line up enough unless you really want to stretch it out. Also to what part are you actually talking about. The Bazaar itself? Video games have been using such format for over twenty years by this point. And FOMO has been around for thousands of years. First time I’ve seen Funcom use FOMO personally was 15 years ago in Age of Conan.
They’re not going to stop FOMOing until the players stop buying. Actions always nullify and overwrite mere words.
read the tittle of this thread, maybe it will tell you what we are talking about.
that does not make it right is it?
quote myself, not asking for them to lower prices, just want everything listed, and let people decide how and when to spend their money. (simple request)
What I am personally missing the most, is a traceability of what we buy with real money. I had to write to the staff to clear a misunderstanding about the amount of Crom Coins I had received after a purchase, just because there is no receipt or whatsoever. Of course, on their side, they have the detailed list of my purchases. But on the customer’s side? Nothing. So all you can do is take their word for it, or take screen captures before and after the purchase for later reference.
A traceability of what was traded in game (Crom Coins vs items) would be amazing too given the hundreds of items Conan Exiles releases. Who can say if an item disappears tomorrow, and who can prove they actually bought it? But given the fact that I cannot even trace my primary purchase properly (money vs a specific amount of Crom Coins), it sounds like a far away dream.
What makes it right is what people are willing to pay.
Stop buying until they stop rotating.
no, you cant use that as an excuse, it might work (and it does) , but that does not makes it morally correct to trick customers , because if you dont buy it , you have no idea when it will come back.
I’m not using an excuse. I haven’t bought a single Crom Coin. I’m not contributing to the idea that a rotating store front is ‘fine’. The rest of you who can’t keep their wallets in their pants is the problem.
this is not about Money , the whole thing is about having it in a rotating store, used as a lame and pathetic trick, it will not be a trick if for instance, the items are available ALL THE TIME, as any DLC, you might say no because you feel it is expensive , and that is fine, but it is available. you might decide to buy it now because you can, or wait a bit longer to buy it , later, again its available, i am not going into if it is expnesive or not, that is irrelevant.
same as battlepass items, each battlepass package should be available at a premiun price of course, for those who missed out, at discount price when bough within its season, what i condemn is funcom stressing customer with the excesive use of FOMO tactic.
For Funcom it is. Its 1000% about the money. That’s how businesses work. If they do something you don’t like, deprive them of that money and they change. Especially when on the topic of a rotating bazaar they respond with they are meeting their expectations.
We can say we condemn FOMO till the end of time. But so long as consumers support it with money, words mean Nothing.
If it makes you feel better, I’ll say that FOMO is worse then genocide, human trafficking, and warcrimes. But guess what? People still buy into FOMO and support it even despite that sentiment.