Almost everyone is complaining about bugs and glitches and exploits and cheaters.
Yet they still play.
Also: 90% of the players use female characters with skimpy outfits (Dancer outfits, zamorian thief, modded outfits (which are even more revealing and sexy)).
Well I’m on console so guess what? I got no nudes. I always viewed the nudity as just a gimmick to entice people to purchase the game to see what it’s about. Nothing more than a marketing ploy.
Also I have been very careful in character creation and play to not misogynize too much since my youngest daughter was at an impressionable age I always play male characters and get mix my dancers between male and female.
I play with nudity on because i do like to look at a female form instead of some muscular dude and that’s completely normal despite what you kiddies might think.
But the why i play has nothing to do with that. I play, or should i say played this game because it was the most interesting open world survival game some time back. It had tons to explore, learn and find which made gameplay very intriguing. All of that is gone these days after all of the changes though, but i still play basically out of habit after 5+ years to some extent. I have a couple of servers that i won’t let decay just to pass time every now and then and check out the updates and hope that Conan would some day return to it’s former glory.
Not like it matters since you’re basically trying to trap people into your argument but I stopped caring whether nudity is on a long time ago as I switch accounts and test things in singleplayer too much.
Yeah, this looks like Arcanist created a new account.
For the record, nudity is what caused me to not get this game sooner. I thought it was a thinly-veiled p*rn game with some crafting on the side rather than a crafting game with some nudity on the side.
It wasn’t until after seeing Shadiversity, who I knew would never play a p*rn game, playing it in a video that I looked into getting it a few days later.
I don’t mind nudity, but it definitely isn’t what I got the game for or what I play the game for.
I don’t think this is Arcanist. Aside from sharing a same central theme, the delivery is all wrong. He hasn’t even dropped any of his signature catchphrases yet.
The guy has just a plain bad take though, I play as a male character with nudity off because I simply don’t care about that aspect of the game. I like the lore and the gameplay, even when it’s a buggy mess.
My favorite game is unmodded Skyrim, so that should be an indicator of what I see in this game. A beautiful buggy mess you trudge through and enjoy regardless. Nothing is perfect; not person nor game.
FWIW, my comment was tongue in cheek, meant to highlight the absurdity of how often we get people who get bent out of shape about nudity and sexuality.
I don’t know if it really is @Arcanist or not. Since I’m not a psychiatrist, distinguishing between people like that is not really something I’m interested in
How would we get through a hard day of survival without the requisite weenie roast and clam bake comments around the bonfire…
Though technically there is no nudity in CE. It’s computer generated polygons and pixels on a screen. A depiction of nudity, not the real thing. That whole fantasy vs reality argument.
I play to build, and use my imagination to come up with interesting stories for my characters and thralls because I enjoy stories, and story telling. I keep nudity off because I have children, and I’m not trying to explain why a toppless woman just came screaming out of a darkened cave to try and kill me. Seems to me you read the topic that you’ve linked above and are just thirsty for that level of engagement on what you thought might be a similar post. It’s not.
Good game with bugs and glitches and cheaters are still playable?
Look at Tarkov… amount of people who have showcased there is always multi-cheaters in your spot. Several people have taken to cheating… to showcase how many are. And its BAD.
People still gonna play Fun game…
So what are my Choices?
Enshorud? Everyone looks like there 4foot tall. Bodies look so off, it was abit hard to play… got ground editing, nice build system… combat isn’t half bad. Stam system is trash… but has Sleep proper work around. Neat systems.
Palworld? Not alot of content … base building is nice, if you like digimon/pokemon… the Thrall/Ark Pet System it neat. You make pokemon…cough digimon…cough I MEAN Chinpokomon!
PALs! At work Stations like Thralls… but its like Ark Dinos… since they have powers…
Dungeons have been pretty boring, and most of “Boss” Chinpokomon…Digimon… W/E hell there called have 2-3 attacks.
Also… theres guns, you can put little Cat/Sheep ones on browning 50cals… or have a Space Crystal Lizard shoot 20+ missles like it Robotech hayfever dream…
Map is pretty boring… mostly about collecting Chinpokomon…I mean pals…
Valhiem? looks like a n64 game with great mechanics. Not that interested.
Conan Exiles… oh thats right, I’m invested alot of money… and pray and hope they undo the Stam/Combat Changes… and fix the mess its in.
Cause its a Fun Game…
As for Nudity… **** I can’t run around with Girls out in real life…might as well do it in game and mash some skulls in. XD
Granted… I’m a Girl and abit modest how I dress In game… but Most of Guys I see play, love the High Fantasy Double Jiggle Skull Crushing Jugs… I can’t blame them.
Conan thou… does a decent Job for a Surv Game. Its hard game to replace. I’ve tried… I kinda keep getting let down. CE has let me down alot… and its on the get unistall and go back Starfield list.
I might break down and play Enshorud with my friends… despite I hate 4foot tall look they got going…
This one must admit, they do enjoy a bit of the old T&A.
This game offers unparalleled opportunities for Tyranny and Atrocity.
What other game let’s us build fortresses stuffed to the gills with people we have brutalized into submission and then tortured into meek subservience?
What other game offers such immersive body explosions will the every kill?
What other game encourages us to sacrifice living enemies to our dark gods so we can summon their avatars to murder more people?
Oh yes, this one is here for the T&A
Also, not may fantasy/sword and sorcery survival lite builder games out there.
Especially on console.
However, we do have more options starting to show up. Valheim, Enshrouded, What the cluck is that nifty looking meso-american inspired Mask game?