Should Conan Exiles be considered a nudist video game?

I consider Conan Exiles to be one of the first nudist-friendly games (I think Mortal Online paved the way for this, but I wouldn’t count that as nudist-friendly). I realize that this is probably not the typical topic, and not directly related to any of the standard categories, but as an activist, myself, I find the way that nudity is handles very mature and appreciated. Are there any thoughts about this?


I’m not sure nudist friendly is the right term, but it does fit the nudity of the genre that Conan and Barsoom have baked into their origin.


For me this was my first game I ever played with full nudity. At the beginning of the game it felt a bit weird but very soon I get over it. I can say that nudity in this game is an expression of freedom. It could be an attractive point for sales too, but in no way this games greatest value is nudity. I could say that it is the cherry on the top of this wonderful cake.
One other very important thing for me that nudity adds, is the ages you play with, in online servers. What I mean by that is that the most online games has even 5 year old players… Omg

I really enjoy the audience of this game, it is a clearly adult game, with great content and difficulty keeping away at least low age teens. I don’t think this game can be understood and followed by small ages. I won’t go to the 18+ conversation, because we all know that kids know very well how to avoid these loops behind their parents back. Especially if the parents are working both and the child spends alone time in the house.
So yes, I really love the nudity content in this game, I am really disappointed that American fellow exiles on Playstation cannot have full nudity and I believe that more games should be done this way, the way that a naked body is not p… n but art with the most important statement, freedom .


I’ll say this much. If I ever had the idea that I should swim naked or climb a cliff naked this game made me really rethink that.

Not that I had intended to do either in the first place of course


To be fair, there is a subtle difference between barbaric and barbarian. Especially in the context of something like Conan, where it was used to represent a more primitive, but also more natural lifestyle.

As far as I can recall, the actual origin of the word is even further away - as I was taught, it came from an ancient Greek term to refer to the Persians, essentially saying ‘this is what these foreigners sound like when they talk ‘bar bar bar…’ .’ But, at the time, the Persian civilisation would have been considered every bit as advanced as the Greek, so even the basic concept of ‘primitive’ only came to be applied later. Not sure what that adds to the debate, but it seemed interesting :slight_smile:

Not something I’d thought about in those terms, but yeah, I can see how that could apply. Certainly nudity is treated in quite simple but natural ways - incidental rather than trying to make a big point of itself. The penis physics remain somewhat comical, with their resemblance to a windsock (but then, it’s a fairly comical body part…). Certainly it fits the setting, nudity again in the books tends to be incidental, and not a matter for snickering or moralising - more often, if a character is nude, they are just nude because they would be.

Ah yes, the long dark times when we had to remove armour to climb :wink:


The way I see this topic is as it applies in a creative manner. The issue many people have is that they don’t seem to be able, or want to be able to separate Fantasy from Reality. It is my opinion (or even belief if you want to call it that), that no one should be judged in Reality for their Fantasies. No matter how weird, nasty, depraved, rotten, or evil those fantasies are (and yes, this means EVERYTHING, and this isn’t a selfish expression to get something I want normalized, my own fantasies are quite tame, but when you take an oath to defend free speech, then it tends to open one’s mind, at least in my case).

In addition those who make creative works (art, music, stories, video games, etc) should be free to make them without censorship and without reprisal. In addition those who wish to enjoy such works should be afforded the right to partake in those mediums.

If someone enjoys nudity in a game because they have a fantasy about being nude in public. By all means enjoy it. Be happy. It doesn’t make that person weird. It doesn’t make them different. And for God’s sake, it doesn’t make them wrong.

The most important part to fantasy is does NOT define a person. For another example someone who enjoys watching a character get choked to death in an ■■■■■■ fashion does not make them a cold blooded murderer. Fantasy is NOT reality.

Judge a person by their actions alone, not what they enjoy.

Now with all that said, I do know that all of what I said pretty much doesn’t address quite what the OP meant. And I’ll explain why, at least from a personal point of view. Politics are a bit of a sore subject these days. I don’t like to mix them into the stuff I like to enjoy. I don’t like when the mediums I partake in get political. For me video games are an escape from all that. For me, I really hope they stay that way (I know many haven’t). There’s been many other forms of entertainment that have been soured lately because of politics. And I don’t give too craps if the politics are those I agree with or not, I just need them away from me when I’m enjoying a game or two.

I’m not suggesting the OP was wrong for bringing the subject up. This a discussion forum. That’s kind of what its for, all topics concerning Conan Exiles. And I don’t mind that, I do separate the forums from ingame. Again… separating reality from fantasy.


Really? Why is that?

Well the cliff climbing I think is pretty self explanatory, I don’t want a rock rash on my scrot. Especially the long fall into a sliding stop

As for swimming, at least in game my junk hangs down like fish bait when I am swimming back to get my gear.


True. Although there is an important point to be made. It is also important to be able to argue why something in fantasy would be immoral in public. Most moral and ethical discussions involve the use of such hypotheticals. Hence, the point.

I can feel that. I tend to be against it as well. The only factor that makes me break my preference here is the extreme dearth of content that appeals to nudists. I can understand not wanting it to be interfere with the game as it is though.

I appreciate it.


Well , with the amount of people I’ve come across legging it out of bushes with their junk hanging out, and not much else, I guess so?

(I include myself in that statement)

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I hear you on the rock climbing, though some people seem to be crazy enough to do so.

As far as swimming goes, not so much. I don’t see why that would be a bad thing.

Fair enough.

It should be noted, most of the time I’m most likely bravely running away from something nasty.


I can’t remember this fishes real name, but it’s common nickname is the ball cutter. When I first heard about this I hoped it was just a silly nickname, but apparently it’s well earned


True. But the argument isn’t for a ban on clothes, rather on reducing clotheswearing to a more practical matter instead of a legal one.

Ah, I was more thinking of swimming in pools.


Yikes! That is one mean looking fish… (though the word ‘fish’ doesn’t really seem to do it justice)

I’m fine with the whole nudity thing, it really doesn’t bother me (I’m a kinda live and let live kinda exile)


My understanding is that that has been debunked. I looked into for an earlier post on a different forum, and couldn’t find evidence supporting the existence of such a creature (that can swim upstream, I mean).

Right. My understanding is that Candiru can’t do that. I could be wrong though.

Fair enough. Pools are still in though, lol.