Bearer nerfed after a server refresh

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5 (Digital Edition)
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 3029

Bug Description:

I had a Bearer level 7 that had aroud 3k/4k of life points. After a server refresh he becomes weaker and he has only 1001 points of life. You know that in a level7 bearer this is not possible.

The request I opened now figures as “solved”. And it is not solved anyway. I leveled him one level to 8, and nothing changed. Is still at 1001 of health

What tier bearer is it? It would seem that they got nerfed pretty hard if they’re T3 or lower. T4 still has around 10k vitality at level 20, give or take. Meanwhile, my T3 I always use on siptah is now at like 2.5k.

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It’s tier 3. BUt that’s not the point. The point is that a couple of days ago he was aroud 3k, and after a restart he became 1001. And the worse of all is that I opened 2 tickets about and they set them as “solved” with no explanation or apologize.

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Understandable. I don’t think I paid attention to the health of non-named thralls.

With all do respect! You send 2 reports for a bearer lvl 3 that lost it’s hp?
And you complain about it?
For a bearer lvl 3?
Dude, it’s not a problem at all, release the bearer and go grab another. Den is full of them :man_shrugging:.

On Siptah I got Tall Tree from a Jailer level 20 is 7000 plus HP a beast. He may have dropped a bit after new age did not record.

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Honestly, I’d be more upset about the RHTS nerf, but everyone has a favorite thrall, so I can’t blame him.

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Make a south surge tier 4. It brings “The One Who Carries Trough Storms”. He is something else.
@jmk1999 2 reports for this man and then we blame people in Zendesk that they are not fast on response? For every unnecessary report an employee looses a lot of time :confused:.

I know it’s a waste of effort and time, but I’m only saying I understand their frustrations.


Thralls are getting “useless” for one single reason, zombies!
It’s easy and fast now to have any thrall just for defense but only if you transform it to zombie. It’s a way to keep sorcery alive and critical in the game. Go in any camp, gather in one hour a chest of any thrall you can gain, no matter the level and make it Zombie on the purge day. Harvest some undead creatures and gain 200 stacks of putrid meat in no time. Accept the purge sitting on your chair, zombies will bring it down really fast. Now i cannot say the same about the last update. I expect a war and they must hive me one :laughing:. But thralls out of base is no option anymore. Now outside your base you can place golems or Zombies. But because Zombies live only 2 days, only golems left, at least on exile lands. Because in Siptah hopefully the grey pools provide many tokens of friendship, so instead of filling chests, it’s best to let them die with honor :wink:.
The days that we were sentimental with thralls are long gone my friend. This is the new reality!

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Don’t care for magic other than transmorg bench. Will work around Golums are ok.

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They are really good actually. Especially the stone golems are so damn cheap with low hp that can work perfectly on purges. All you have to do is place them an explosive jar head like @LostBrythunian suggest me some time ago and they are awesome :rofl:. I will surely use them as traps when the wars will start.

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Except zombies and golems kill, not incapacitate. I’d rather knock out a purge thrall than kill it. So, no, they’re not a better option. It would seem Funcom forgot that fact.


What we need is a truncheon arm and a purple lotus orb head.


What we need are better thralls! :smile:
Golems look awful in a bikini! Brrrr


Yeah… no, I’m gonna have to agree with @MarcosC on this one. :rofl:


And what’s with golems not having feet? Those poor sods wouldn’t be able to stand on those pointy ends! Any explanation for that? Are they ballerinas or something? :smile:

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