Beast Purge bug

Game mode: Single-player
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP
Region: EU

TL;DR Beast Purge consisting of beasts who have in-game baby animals like hyenas, will spawn them along side with grown up variants, resulting in Purge progress being stuck because baby animals don’t have any combat behavior and will not attack you or your base.

Yesterday I have uncovered a specific beast Purge bug. Set up a base in the river biome and triggered a hyenas Purge. Killed 4 incoming hyenas - and then they stop coming. After timer (I have a 15 minutes long Purge duration) runs out message showed up telling that Purge has been defeated.
I have tried this couple more times - and result has always been he same - you get a couple of beasts, kill them and then they stop coming. There was no “X are regrouping” message - it was obvious that there where still beasts in the current wave. My first guess was there where problems with pathfinding and hyenas simply stuck in rocks, or spawned inside the cliffs. And so I went, skulking around like a Zamorian thieve, looking for them. And I have found them - Purge was spawning baby hyenas alongside with regular hyenas. Since baby animals don’t have any combat behavior they don’t head towards your base and just start wandering around the spawn point. If you kill them wave counter will progress as usual - wave could be defeated, start regrouping and so on.
My guess is Purge of other beasts with cubs, like leopards, will work the same way.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Manage to trigger animal Purge
  2. Kill couple of beasts and stuck in frustrated waiting, wandering where the hell is the rest of the wave.
  3. It will never come.
  4. “Purge has been defeated”
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Confirmed on our server as well was about to post but you bet us. We have found this only happens with Hyenas so far.

Hey @tin_egg

We’re aware of this issue and our team is looking into it.
Thanks for your feedback.

I can confirm and found another Purge with Puppys.
All others seems to be okay.

Purge Type: A cackle of Hyenas - Wiki-Link for more details

A pack of Wolves - Wiki-Link for more details



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