Benches. Dye Bench

I don’t even know why we needed a dye bench or a tinkers table or a tanners table or an alchemist bench

I thought the game was pretty simple before. You make dyes on the cauldron, you make weapon mods on the blacksmith, you make bulk platings and hardened leather/layered fur/silk on armour bench.

not to mention yeah the size is so dumb.

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What are you talking about? Staying hidden? Nothing is hidden the games been out for 5years. Not only that it takes 2hours to sweep every grid with a foundation to find anyone.

What’s stopping people from changing the bench their thralls work now? lmao nothing. You also contradict your own reasoning in your own post. “Could stay hidden forever” nekminnit “you only stay hidden for so long”

you can also stop editing your post now.


You’re so wrong its unreal. Small benches aren’t just for hidden bases.

don’t care to reply to the rest of your post cos you’re just having a hissy fit.

My vote is certain ones need to be “smaller” but only by a small bit.

Few of them just don’t fit on tiles(foundations well) you get the can not place error, or they stick out that 2-3 inchs. And wont line up with other ones. My OCD is fariyl under control… but some of them that hang over a foundation drive me nutts…

Not even OCD for some of them, You end up with this gap between a few. On ps4… Keeping you base under certain size Helps so Much…

Not mention some of Big ones, are such a Pain to place when your trying to make every bit of space count keeping base size down… Not even a hidden base.

Dye bench alone, looks like its over sized. Like someone slipped a finger on a slider and made it bigger thern it should have been.


I can approve the dye bench being as big as it is… on the proviso that it actually doubles its current storage capacity. As it is now, not very much the case. Let us stuff every possible color inside, along with some allowance for requisite materials for making dye in a bench that large.

A precision firebowl cauldron being colossal despite only giving five to six recipes is understandable as a tradeoff for discounting steelfire costs for dragonpowder, but the dye bench as it is feels burdensome on real estate for its lack of sufficient holding.

I really hope the new update will fix these issues. The positioning on some benches is “tragic”, especially the t1 Tanner has to be away from walls and I try not to keep this bench more that 3 days in a new home, sometimes I even put it outside :rofl::rofl::rofl:. The improved works excellent.
Then the casting table has not “real” corner, which is OK but not so and it attaches really difficult.
New system is coming, let’s hope for the best :+1:t6:.

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From what I got is that the building system will have update and changes. I don’t know how big changes, but surely Nicole mention it as awesome, so I guess it ain’t going to be less :wink:

Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed…

I don’t think a 12 block diameter is large - do you really?
If you really think so use only one T4 bench instead of three of each.
You could put walls and roof if you were worried about theft.
Nothing is getting stolen on a PvE server though.
To me it’s not a Cluster ■■■■ - everything is just 2 steps away - ultra convenience!
I like things small convenient and out in the open! It Rocks!

Hells yeah!

:person_facepalming:t3:, I thought you said for the buggy behavior on placement, forgive me m8 :+1:t6:.

Reality os percentage wise it is not mich different. Look at armornrat8ng once you hit around 800, the cost to what you gain is non essential.

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Yeah and some are just plain whack! Like the “Precision Firebowl Cauldron” which is slower than the “Improved Firebowl Cauldron” at everything (by a lot!!!) and uses the same amount of mats to create everything - except dragon powder - for which it uses significantly less mats. Weird!

And not only that but placing a cook on either is faster than placing an alchemist (of the same level) on - like everyone normally does. LOL

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Wait, wait…
You can put a cook on cauldrons???


Precision and improved are identical though. As mentioned the only difference is that the precision is slower at everything and produces cost reductive Dragon Powder. Are you getting different results?

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Omg, :person_facepalming:t3:, still learning…
Thank you guys, I really appreciate this, really :+1:t6:


I don’t know what it’s like in PVP, but in PVE(-C) I’ve never needed both, I always go with efficiency.

You want speed? It’s dirt-simple: parallelize. Let’s take your carpenter’s bench example.

The trade carpenter’s bench has a +200% bonus to crafting speed, i.e. it crafts items 3x faster than the precision carpenter’s bench. If you want to craft a couple of arrows really fast, there’s no better station than to use the trade carpenter’s bench. However, if you want to craft 1000 arrows, use 4 precision benches to craft 250 arrows each, and it’ll be done faster than in the trade bench.

Yeah, sure, you’ll pay more in terms of space and in terms of materials needed to craft 4 benches instead of one. And sure, you could get things done even faster with 4 trade benches, but at the cost of having to double your farming time for materials.

Different people have different priorities. Personally, I will gladly sacrifice space (and pay the one-time cost for additional benches) to save on my farming time.

(Oh, and if anyone’s wondering why I said 4 benches instead of 3, it’s because it’s easier to divide the mats by 4 than by 3. Just shift-right click on your stacks.)

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No… I mean actually… Numerically. I measure identical material usages and of course the recipes as listed in the benches themselves are also the same - numerically identical. Of course, with the exception of Dragon Powder.

And of course the improved cauldron is MUCH faster than the precision cauldron!

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Yes, but I almost never make those. It’s 10 & 1 versus 15 & 1. But normal bones are pretty much a trash mat so I don’t really about if it’s 15 bones or 10. :stuck_out_tongue:

I always build both. The precision solely for the dragon powder and the improved for the speed. I don’t think I have ever built the giant. :stuck_out_tongue:

So the answer to all of this is that the bench(s) was/were made the size they are so that it is easier to see a base and consequently harder to hide a base due to the size off all the benches need to make it work ?

That’s typically what I do as well. Works the treat! Making armor for an army? 3 or 4 campaign armors and 10 tanning tables. When done they fit thralls and all in a tiny little “large chest”. :slight_smile:

I think they did it just cuz it looks cooler!

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When it was introduced, I put it on my roof and a young Tom Cruise landed an F14 on it.

Personally I think it’s because it’s a physically beautiful model they couldn’t pass up. After all, what kind of vat would dye a piece of armor. It is great to look at and is visibly obvious what and why they’d settle on such a big unit.

HOWEVER my company hand-dyes wool for an international audience. I do it myself, even, long nights in the Dye Lab. Everything is pretty much medieval except for modern heating and electricity, and can be broken down into wire racks for storage and cleaning. Problem is, it doesn’t look neato whizbang like this bench.