BETA - Yothga plant thrall bug

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: n/a
Mods: n/a

Bug Description:

You can place a thrall inside the Yothga plant, just as Liu Fei is inside it. And just as Liu Fei, the thrall gets stuck and cannot be interacted with. Hostile enemies are ignored by the thrall and the enemies appear to ignore the thrall as well, even though initial guard behaviour is set to agressive (plant renders him passive?).

Bug Reproduction:

  1. Place a thrall into the plant.
  2. Attempt to interact with the thrall.
  3. Try to see if the thrall reacts to nearby enemies.

Apologies for this bit of commentary on a bug report, but that is fairly interesting…

You could effectively put your crafter thralls in a form of stasis to keep them safe in a somewhat horrific way when summoning a purge.

Is it intended, or really a bug?

Good question. Though in that case you’d have to put the plants a bit away from the base, because 15 or so Yothgas would probably fully corrupt you in less than a second :smiley: .
Actually, I’m not even sure if the corruption effect stacks. Another thing to check, I guess.

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