Bizzar Bazaar inventory

So Ive recently returned to the game since last playing at early access “launch” and am having a blast with friends on a private server. I noticed the in game store is rather limited, and I read that the item availability is on a rotation of sorts. I gotta say that I really hate this. Ive seen some videos of people’s builds and when I went to the store to get the dungeon decor/complete set it’s not available. Why? I would buy a good amount of crom coins if the whole catalog of items were open for purchase. Funcom would make more money that way, so it makes no sense to me that they would limit access to existing content. Whats the reasoning for this? Are there plans of opening the full inventory?


The Bazaar has been doing the periodic rotation since it started, and it replaced the old DLCs - which are still available via the Store.

The periodic cycling of the content is likely to stimulate a ‘fomo’ response in some players to get the stuff. The items are generally reported to be way, way over-priced, but there are many who are happy paying the price, especially pve and roleplay players.

The Bazaar items are basically reskins of existing stuff (like the old DLCs are) so players are not missing out on actual functional stuff if they do not buy.

I have no idea if the item designs are outsourced, and therefore the high cost, or whether it’s just how the current gameing markets appear to operate now.

You can check out the reviews by [Eradicati0n] (and others) on youtube, as they offer really good ‘to buy or not to buy’ breakdowns.

Very strange. I don’t see how Funcom would make more money by limiting availability. I wont buy crom coins untill I see something I want. If the shop was open, I’d probably spend a bunch. Funcom will never know untill I see all they have to sell.

As a new player I wish they had the ability to allow players to contact support and ask for a particular item be added to their account (at the appropriate coin cost).

Bethesda have a process where items that have appeared in their Atom Shop can be obtained that way if you missed something

Yes, but that has not happened so not likely.
It’s annoying, but it is how they are doing it. It’s all cosmetic so really only interesting to builders, as for the original DLC packs (which I preferred).
I judge the bazaar items on how much the prices translate into actual money, not crom coins. I balance whether it’s something I really want and whether I am prepared to pay and that’s that.
I guess that if all items were displayed then some would buy it all and then complain that there’s ‘nothing new’.
Enough players buy to keep it working and the respective designers paid for their work. I wish some branded clothes shops would display their entire year’s planned stocks all at once so I can see if I want to buy, but that doesn’t happen either. :wink:

the periodically rotating shop is primarily intended to create FOMO. this FOMO basically has 2 goals. firstly, it is intended to encourage players to buy as soon as possible when a new set is released, because you can’t know when it will reappear after it has rotated out. secondly, it is intended to encourage players to start the game regularly to check the shop and thus artificially increase the number of ‘active players’. this metric is often used to show the success of a game.

both points tend to put me off. although in this specific case they are not really relevant for me, as the prices put me off even more.

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This, please! Cripes, I put in a ticket for a free item I missed (the stupid Slocum’s Joe board) with another request and they gave it to me.

There was an altar, not the sorcery one, that was in the Bazaar once and I haven’t seen it since.

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