Blood Crystal Chakram is too unbalanced

Hello! I wanted to ask Funcom to reconsider the stats of Blood Crystal Chakram, since having it like that in the game is unfair to many PVP players. Having a limited time event item as top tier weapon is not a thoughtful game design. Especially, when its not possible to pick it up, when the player wielding it is killed, and the other one doesn’t have the recipe. Its easily craftable and applies sunder with each hit making it even more unbalanced in the PVP scene. Everyone should have the same possibilities, when it comes to PVP servers. It’s going to be more balanced if you at least make it have the same stats as the Berserker’s Fistblades. Many players I met support me on this.


It quite literally has the exact same stats as Rip and Tear, expect that it does not have the Legendary tag and thus it can be repaired. So it is, for all intents and purposes, a craftable legendary Twitch Drop.



Even though I have the blood crystal chakram recipe, I see the OPs point. How can you get the Rip and Tear in the Exiled Lands? Don’t think I have ever encountered these.


The problem isn’t the power of the Blood Crystal “Chakram”.
It’s the generally pathetic state of most other claw/punch knife weapons.

If they updated the list of craftables Dragonbone weapons to include a set of claws, that would be a good start, giving another source of sunder on claws.

Then, going back and pulling the few legendary claws available on the Exiled Lands up to par with other Legendaries would help roundabout the stat issues.

The only reason these weapons seem potent is because they come from a badly under performing category. Especially when we look at Dueling and thus need to take the clunky/narrow/high commitment attack pattern into consideration.

That having been said, any loot protection of such items is utterly contemptible


On the wiki yes, it seems like the stats are the same. But as it is a craftable item it means, if you craft it with bladesmith thrall(And everyone on the server can get the thrall easily) it will be stronger than even the Berserker’s Fistblades, AND it can be easily crafted, AND it can be repaired, AND it applies sunder with each hit, AND ur opponents won’t be able to pick it up when they kill you. That’s too much for a weapon that is impossible to obtain anymore for many players.


You are correct @Muon, I was only pointing out that the base stats without any blacksmith buffs or even weapon kits being attached to it are the exact same as Rip and Tear, expect that you can craft it and it is not legendary, so you can repair it. But as you pointed out, when you add those buffs onto this item the stats do make it considerably better. Although Rip and Tear also applies sunder the Berserker’s Fistblades do not.

Well, if they have access to the recipe from having been awarded the twitch drop they can. But if they do not have access to it then nope, they are S.O.L.

It’s a little of both. If a craftable weapon is verifiably statistically better than the legendary versions of that same weapon, then there IS a problem with that item. But that does not also mean that there is not a problem with the general patheticness of the other weapons of that weapon type. Both can be true at the same time.

But how can they sell that on the BLB? :thinking:

I mean, I do not disagree with you, but everyone would have to go back and re-learn the recipe all over again for what, one item? I doubt they would just update everyone’s knowledge to suddenly include it, and they would need to completely redo the list of recipes that are added when you click on the object which gives you them currently to include the new items on top of the old ones. I agree that adding in new weapon types to older sets like this would be best, but I doubt that this is high on their list.

I have no idea if you even can. My only point was to agree with the OP and point out that it’s base power, without any enhancements, was on par with the second most powerful (damage wise) legendary weapon of it’s type. EXACTLY the same stats. Except that you can craft it, and therefor repair it, which that ability alone makes it superior than the legendary version.


They updated Silent Legion to include Medium and Light.
They previously updated Dragon armour to also include Medium and Light.
Barrachan Reaver was just added to everyone’s knowledge.
Black Ice weapons also got some expansion some time ago.

Adding more weapons to the list of included in game, relevant, craftables doesn’t erode the Bazaar.
Quite the opposite, as more weapon types become relevant, the ability to sell more skins for that type becomes more likely.
If a particular weapon type is dumpster tier and sees little use, there is little if any market for cosmetics to place over it.
But if a weapon type is frequently used and sought after, there could be greater demand for ways to bling it up.

As for both the weapon being too strong and it’s type being pathetic…
This one mildly disagrees. Both can be true, but in this case, we are talking about the leader of a pack of invalids, looking good compared only to other weaklings. When stacked against weapons not in its fail-a-palooza family, it comes out mid. One of the only worth using of claws.
It’s like being the tallest shrubbery. In a forest with actual trees.
It looks good compared to other bushes, but it’s not a redwood. It matters not how tall the most renowned of hedges are, because none of them matter.
We are arguing that flint is more dangerous than granite on a battlefield with machine guns.
In this case, it’s not a great axe, nor daggers, and it’s definitely not bombs. Heh, it even matches up unfavourably to the fallen prince pokey stick, in it’s torpid and weakened state.
In war, there is no victory by being first amongst losers.

Anyone choosing claws as a weapon has chosen to play hard mode Dueling.
Full stop.
Until claws are actually worth use in duels, power relative within the punch dagger family is meaningless.

But again, this one agrees, not being able to loot them is utterly wretched.
Furthermore, that legendary claws are such rubbish is also extremely disappointing.
But this one objects to nerfs on the grounds that something is the least pathetic of underachievers. Uplift the claws so they are a full family, with an in game (not battle pass gated) star metal tier and legendaries that have legendary stats and abilities.

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Here’s a comprehensive list of OP weapons in PVP:

It’s quite surprising that you say the Claws&Punching daggers are bad, when its literally what everyone uses now in PVP. The current meta, Black Claws, Berserker’s Fistblades, Diseased spike. Every second-third guy has it. It would be indeed pointless asking for a rebalance of greatswords, for example, because no one cares for them. But as the Chakrams are, apparently, meta now, its worth mentioning. Of course, the greataxe and daggers are meta alongside as well.

Daggers are META in PvP ? I thought they got killed by Funcom in Age of War 1. I do not play PvP anymore, because it is unfun. I play this game to satisfy other desires.

Which is it now?
Literally everyone using claws (which is patently false, but an amusing assertion, and perhaps even accurate in your own personal experience)?
Or is it every second or third guy?
Or do you mean that every second or third guy is using the BCC (Blood Crystal “Chakrams”, because this one is finished typing the whole thing out after this)?

What servers are you on that are filled with these fools? It has to be absolutely hilarious to watch duels go down, everyone locked in mid speed linear combos with meh reach and high commitment. This one is now imagining it, like a bunch of Wolverines in ren fair cosplay yelling “Berzerker Barrage” as they go slow lunging past each other.
Finally something sillier than poke and roll.
Mad lumberjack meta just wasn’t quite as absurd, but this could actually be funny.

This. Buff or add learnable and thus craftable claw weapons that can match Blood Crystal Chakrams. Don’t just take yet another thing in the game and nerf it into the trash can.


Here’s how the meta works:

Everyone uses spears, period. You’re a noob if you don’t. Even if you’re better, you’re still a noob. However sometimes someone will actually get decent enough (and I mean they endure the teasing and such for long enough) that people will notice they are losing to them a bit.

Depending on the mood, some may take one of two actions (or even both). Some may switch if its not too hard for them to the new weapon being used. Others will likely make a forum post about how the item is OP. The ones that do switch, do relatively well (and in reality the person who initially tried it benefited from this) against those who only know how to defend against spears (since that’s the accepted weapon in PVP).

Now thankfully this isn’t the entire PVP community we’re talking about here. Its just a fraction that play on one of the dueling servers. You can tell who they are by their videos. Overly bright colored armor from spawned in dyes, fisheye view, worst taste in music blaring over the game audio, playing in preformed arenas. So many do this its become a stereotype. You wait long enough and you’ll see one of those videos posted here.


Do you even play the game on the PvP servers? Yes, in my experience, most people use named above weapons in pvp. Those who have 10K hours played do it as well. After joining for a long time I haven’t seen a single person with a spear. Maybe double handed mace, but that’s it. Mainly its used because chakrams have the lunging attack, which is pretty good.

Ahh, abusing OP weapons and then thinking they are good. Classic.

Yes, spear has been a favourite over the years.

And I’ve seen these videos. Mostly just showing how they do the last hit on someone.

Reads this post
Reads several of the other posts in the thread

Bravo lad or ladette.
You had this one going for a moment.
Well trolled.

It wasn’t trolling. Genuine question. I don’t know what are you on about.

Yeah fr

They should nerf this thing

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