Boats. we need!

That would actually be great, like mini teleport points. That you would first have to build, yeah? Only problem is as I look at the map, bodies of water aren’t present enough everywhere. :confused:

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I doubt it. Because then there would probably be pathing issues if you could just stick two points wherever you wanted.

If boats were an addition, they would have to be added by Funcom at fixed locations.

Looking at the Interactive Map online:

Eastern Barracks at L7 looks like it could be a nice spot to have a couple rafts/canoes. They could go farther east to places like Xel-Ha Docks, or up near Captain’s Quarters in the 8th row.

One could go west along the river to a point near Narrowneck Span.

I don’t think some of the smaller rivers branching north are deep enough continuously for it to be worthwhile for any there.

So really that’s the only worthwhile aquatic travel points.

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This is one of things bug me in general, we need alot more ponds and water about place.

Small boats seem neat… to me. It be rp thing to go across river, or explore island to east. Or fishing with a pole…lol.
Or spear fishing, and come out and toss fish in boat. But all of that requires more stuff to happen.

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