Boats. we need!

I would like to know about the possibility of adding navigational boats in the game. this would be very useful and would facilitate the movement by the map. just as it could carry camps or kicals at rest. could be pre-ready models. for example: a small raft style model and some kind of larger boat that could put some objects, like a bed and some chests. Thanks in advance


They can’t get mounts to work… boats will never happen



So you can take the boat down the newbie river into the jungle?

You can just swim the entire way with no risk or worry.

And do it in like 5 minutes.

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I think they could do some sort of canoe/kyack for the game… don’t need anything bigger. its main function would be to act like a “floating cargo crate” more then anything. not a needed thing for CE but it could happen… also imagine the waterfalls…

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I like the idea but there isn’t much water to use them on currently. Unless they open the map up and make an underwater region! Now that would be cool


Of course, I agree with you that this is possible and nothing too hard to do. but do not you think that would be legal? when you are all those other ships wrecked, you do not have a desire to use it? I imagine large caravans where I have to carry loads and a boat would be very good for this.

yea! it really would be

I can see all the Black Hand guys seeing you go by in your little boat from atop their giant stone ship…and cursing under their breath. :slight_smile:


The problem is that both north south rivers have spots that are way too shallow to even be able to use a boat going up and down them. Not to mention there are some waterfalls in the way also.

The only place where a boat would even be viable is for the newbie river and jungle area.

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Would we be able to utilise bows and arrows from the boats while we don’t row them?

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The water regions in the south and in the jungle/swamp are big enough for small boats like the ones they introduced with the underwater dungeon.
But right now they don’t give you any advantage.
The water is safe! Yo can swim from west to east or the other direction without any threats. And if you want to escape a croc search deeper waters.
The life in these waters is dominated only by ornamental fishes which don’t interact with the player.
So before you introduce boats we need living waters filled also with dangerous inhabitants which will interact with the player.
Crossing the rivers should be as dangerous as the lands.


А что если добавить пираний ну или каких нибудь враждебных рыб, акул, водных змей или гигантских пиявок :smiley:, добавить броню для подводной охоты и возможность дабы и каких нибудь редких ресурсов на дне водоёмов, подводные пищеры, сундуки и т.д.

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Functional boats… are not so usefull and we already know they will never be developped (the engine do not allow mounts, figure out boats :slightly_frowning_face: ).

But how many peoples in PvE and PvE-Conflict build fake ships, sometimes just for decoration, sometimes to place fishtraps on a “fishing boat”.

Can we pleeeeeeeeease have at least boat building pieces for that purpose ? :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

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I believe so. it would be very bacaba to have this option on a boat

mesmo assim eu já amo esse jogo
comcordo com você. Águas mais movimentadas dariam mais motivos para barcos. ótimo! e ainda por cima teríamos mais algumas interações. os crocodilos nem perceguem na água nos dias atuais hahahaha, mas mesmo assim eu já amo esse jogo
I agree with you. Busier waters would give more reasons for boats. great! and we would have some more interactions. the crocodiles do not even notice it in the water hahahaha, but I still love this game

Truly I see only this path as very good for boats. but it would be a good momentum. in my view would make it easier. but I agree that we need more areas for this.

would be just to give more desire to use boats in my opinion, but I accept lol

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Да! Водный геймплей и всегда хорошо принятый в играх. Я хотел бы такого рода вещи.

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A raft, the kind of works like the horizontal elevator would be cool, so you have two points and pull it on like a rope between them.

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The only way this is going to work is like the boats in World of Warcraft, or Dynasty Warriors 9.

They move between two fixed points, you hop on and ride between.

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