Bow, Accuracy Perk 4 heavy damage broken

Game mode: Online private & Single-player
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP
Region: US/EU

When using the 40 accuracy perk, heavy hit with bow does barely any more damage than regular hit. I have tested this with and without mods. It is the same regardless.

When the perks were reworked, an error was made for perk 4 with heavy draw. This bug has existed since update 40. I assume this is a bug as there is nothing in the update notes to indicate this was an intentional change.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Put in 39 points of accuracy
  2. Heavy hit does more damage, as is expected.
  3. Put in 40 points of accuracy.
  4. Heavy hit does virtual NO additional damage over regular hit.
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Yep. I have been able to consistently reproduce this issue. I have 39 points in Accuracy, and if I use a bow that grants bonus ACC (e.g. The Huntress) to take me over ACC 40 I do significantly less damage on heavy shot than when I have ACC 39.

Using a comparable tier bow without an ACC bonus (e.g. Bessie’s Bow), so leaving my ACC at 39, does damage normally.

I have not tried having an “honest” ACC 40+ (that is, without equipment bonuses) because stat resetting is too much trouble.

Wasn’t this reported in Testlive and proven?

Holy cow, way before that. We’re talking over a month with broken archery…

nobody cares that archers are broken since they rework 4 perk… just ignore
last my report here about this they just delete.


Hi Ignasis, you stated in May that the developers were aware of this issue. Did they look into it? Archery is sort of a key thing in this game, but it’s gone unfixed for quite some time.

so… again ignore?

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