Bow's, 2-Handed Mace, 2-Handed Axe Vs. Horse

Bow: Flattening shot needs to dismount players and needs little damage buff
2h-mace should dismount players
2h-axe should stagger horse movement and player on horse
Also substantially diminish damage done to player who are being hit by lance who are armored! Had a friend full legion armor get two shot by a lance!!!

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Welcome to the community. I believe that your suggestion hides a good suggestion here but before I start I would like to say that I don’t find unnatural a Lance with a full speed horse to do fatal damage :wink:. Still I believe that dismount should be easier but with scales. What I mean is that…
Players must have a chemistry bonus with the mount. This chemistry bonus would have a random rate and rize with the mounting hours you have on the specific mount. So this would prove 2 basic things that allow some mounts to join real human history.
1st, the horse choose the master.
Voukefalas was the horse of Alexander the great. He was the only one who ever mount this horse and he died on this one trying to go against elephants :wink:. The horse died before his master was dismounted.
2nd. Mount hours must rize the chemistry between the mount and the master, so your dismount from this horse would be more difficult.
If you have low chemistry stats then dismount would be easy.

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