Bug at wheel of pain

**Game mode:Single-player
**Type of issue:Crash
Server type : PvE
**Region: Europe

Meat at wheel of pain rotting before time on decay timer run out.

  1. Place meat in wheel of pain.
  2. Start thrall training and wait a little bit.
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Not to take anything away from your bug report.

But why are you putting meat in a wheel of pain?

It has no benefit, no food alters the time it takes to break a thrall.
Only the taskmaster shortens the time.
Gruel doesn’t spoil as fast, and is easy to make.

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Different foods last a different amount of time, and different playstyles result in different surpluses. Sure gruel is easy, but if I have hundreds of exotic flesh I’m not going to use it turns out it’s great in the wheel because it lasts a long time.


Because Pork is more effective than Gruel (I mean it’s longer “burn”) and so I want. Everyone play as they want and if you decide to use, for example, coal instead wood in furnace - go on. Nobody stops you while you play fairly.

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Hi @DarthWolf thanks for your report.

We’ll forward it to our team.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


Sorry if you took it as a demand that you play a certain way.
That was never my intention, by all means everyone should play however they wish. (except cheaters)

What I meant was gruel WAS the most effective under testing, my own and others.
If you say it is now pork I will do more testing.

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Okay, I apologize.
my post was based on old data.

I only did a quick test on my single player game
tier 2 wheel with Olena the Oathmaker, it’s what I had already built in this game.
I grabbed a Janos who was near to the wheel location.

Pork showed a burn time of 4 hours and 16 minutes per stack of 50
While Gruel showed a time of 1 hour and 6 minutes per stack of 50

This in and of itself could be an error or glitch. @Caroll

However my single player game did not crash, yet!
I’m tabbed out as I type this.
I’ll report back if a crash happens before Janos is broken.

Thanks for the follow up @droch-aon. :slight_smile:


It’s ok. Nothing to worry about


Crash confirmed. @Caroll
I can only give the approximate time: More than an hour and a half but less than two.

Thanks, @droch-aon :slight_smile:


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