So I created a basic wheel of pain and it’s worked for breaking 2 thralls so far. (One died however so just one @ base rn) however I got a level one taskmaster for it and put it in the slot and then tried to break a lv 3 fighter and now no matter what I do it won’t work. I’ve tried taking everything out and even building a new one but I can’t seem to figure out what the issue is. The gruel just cooks but the thrall never starts “crafting”.
I assume then the thrall is broken(broken in, not bugged) , if you can move it and it wont appear in list of “cooking” thralls?
It bugs from time to time, (2nd teir one) log out and back in can fix it.
If that doesnt do it. (since singleplayer) I’d say use admin panel and drop new (or just give yourself greater one) I havnt had any issues with that one.
You’re right! It’s actually already finished, I wanted the time a little shorter for breaking and didn’t realize I turned thrall crafting time off completely. Thanks!