BUG: Bench thralls randomly T-pose

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: 6441
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

Periodically bench thralls will randomly decide to T-pose. It’s not easily reproducible. However, sometimes you will just turn around and one of your thralls looks like they are preparing to go on a crucifix.

This bug has been around for a very long time. And I am tired of all of these issues. So I am beginning a little campaign. :slight_smile:


Bug Reproduction:

Reproduction steps are unclear. I am not sure how to provoke this issue. But I am certain that it happens on Official servers, on both maps (Exiled Lands and Siptah). And it happens when a player is NOT in admin mode.


Thank you for your report! I can confirm that the error has been around for a long time. It is probably a simple graphics bug and does not affect the functionality of the thralls. But it is still not nice! I hope that such errors will be fixed, but I have reasonable doubts, because unfortunately no attention is paid to bugs that severely limit the game and have been around for a long time.


Yeah. I keep getting pissed off by all of the bugs that we have to currently keep up with. There was a new player to the game that we were working with. And as we were explaining the game mechanics, just about everything we said had to be appended with "This is a bug. It’s been here for a long time. In order to deal with it / mitigate it, you have to _______ ". And it just made me sick.

So now - when I trip on these things, Imma drop EVERYTHING, come right here, and report them. And then I’m going to make a list of everything that I’ve bug reported. Just for the sake of saying “Hey Funcom - when we say you have a few bugs - we mean that you have A LOT of things that you have simply just looked the other way on.”


Yes, the way bugs are handled and reported is sometimes really scary. I have already compared it with an example here. Conan is a house and the errors and bugs are a fire and instead of dealing with the errors and making the game playable, new content (renovation) is constantly being thrown in. If my house is on fire, I wouldn’t start painting the walls either. :clown_face:

On our last server I built a church with shrines for all the thralls that were killed by bugs. Nice to look at but basically pathetic that you would do something like that for such reasons.

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