Bug or intended feature?

So I was just out and about, crushing my enemies, driving them before me, and listening to the lamentations of their women etc.
And I transfered some bows to Bouncing Betty, my bearer thrall. For dismantling back at base later.

I figured the thrall would not use them, since she has no arrows in her inventory. But she started conjuring flinthead arrows out of thin air, and merrily began shooting enemies!

And I’m a bit perplexed, wondering if this is truly intended, I can understand enemy archers having unlimited ammo…But thralls?

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Intended, at least it always have been this way


This is intended, probably because micro-managing thralls’ ammunition came across as too tedious. It has always been that way. You can however, give your thrall upgraded arrows to use (for extra damage) and when they are out, they will revert back to flinthead.


Ah I see.
Thanks for the info! Glad I didn’t rush straight to bug report and make a fool of myself :joy:


If you give them arrows, they will shoot faster.
Otherwise they take longer, because they craft flinthead arrows and shoot, craft, shoot…


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