Try to flag a post if you think they are breaking the rules and be sure to refer them to the Community Guidelines if you are able to point at the rule.
I will point out this is against the Community Guidelines, as you are reporting an issue which should not be filed through the forums.
You are able to report the exploit/cheat -not the player!- to the appropriate place listed here:
These measures are faster for the developers and reporting players explicitly may cause disputes here.
Be sure to include any of the following details if you know them (if these input fields are not already provided):
where (Platform, region, game mode(, server type, server number and name), location)
how (items, combo or other actions (and in case of undermeshing, nearby suspicious things like blocks sticking out of the ground)) and
when (time and date (and if possible any event log entries))
Regarding the land claim, I am not very well known with its mechanics, so I would not know whether this is a bug. I have heard this concern here before however.
Didn’t know it was against te rules , but from where i’m standing u guys are protecting the cheaters and not te other ppl who just want to play the game.
But i will follow the details provided to resolve this issue
Funcom tries to make sure the exploit itself is fixed. This fixes the bigger issue of players exploiting it.
It is not very easy to monitor exploiters. Sometimes a moderator or developer may join a server to resolve an issue, but only in very few cases.
I wil take a look at that , but my problem has worsend now a part of my base is abandoned
The part that’s “landclaimed” so a person who is cheating can effectively destroy my base without any1 doing anything against set person