Building Stability Problems After Update 1.53 PS4

I seem to have been able to resolve the problem by destroying everything back to a 100 stability foundation or a ceiling piece attached to a pillar. It only affected a couple spots and my building is symmetrical so it just seemed odd that it would not happen to the entire row if it was a legit stability issue. Some random walls and roofing parts also had issues after server resets and only on spots that I had just placed or changed that same day, as if it was not saving all of my additions and changes or something . Then when I replace the missing parts they are placed with 0 stability, as far as I know that should not be possible and hitting them with a repair hammer does nothing. Everything seems to be ok now after several days or replacing building pieces but this has only happened after the last update so I felt it should be put out there. I can post screenshots still if you would like but for now things appear to be fine.

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