Buildings not loading, desyncing from the server - Feedback thread

Hey there,

We released a server-side hotfix overnight that should’ve addressed the problems introduced with the latest hotfix. Please let us know if these issues persist.

They’re definitely persisting. They only stopped because the server reset. It came right back after a few hours of gameplay.

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I didnt had any problems with my stamina or not loading buildings or something, but now my stamina bar is not moving, my thrall doesnt follow and i cant open/close doors door.

I relogged a few times and also restarted the client. After relogging/restarting it happened the first time for me and then a few times more, that building didnt got loaded. At other tries all seamed fine, but only for 1-2 minutes then my stamina/door/thrall problem appeared again. At one try i wasnt even able to do a punch.

The “fix” broke the game for me. :frowning:

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Hey everybody,

Thanks again for the feedback and patience.
We’ve got a few extra questions to see if we’re on the right track:

  • Once you’re experiencing this issue, could you check if waiting on the location of the base that is not loading for a few minutes makes the base load? (2-5 minutes)
  • Is it always happening to you and your base on every server cycle? (Between restarts) Or does it only happen some days and others it doesn’t?

Thanks again in advance for your collaboration.

It does not. I must’ve waited a good 20 minutes without betterment before logging off for the night. I then logged on my alternate account, which didn’t have the problem until I ran my alt character over to the same area (near Sep city), upon which the alt character started having the issue, too. As did everyone else on the server who ported in near Sepermeru.

Hasn’t happened to me since last server restart, but to be fair I haven’t had time to play much in the last few days, whereas I had put in a few hours in a row (a rarity for me) on the day I had the problem.


Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Character and structures bug
Server type : PvP
Region: EU
**1310 PVP
**TeleportPlayer 204153.03125 178751.78125 -18418.332031
Please help!

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I have restarted playing like 4 days ago and 2 of those 4 days I couldn’t interact with anything, buildings don’t load completly, can’t open doors, have no stamina regen and many other things don’t work.
Anyone with the same problem?

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Just a long shot, but have you tried validating your game? My gf keeps getting issues every few weeks and needs to validate her files. If it finds something and repairs, then she is usually good to go. Also a PC restart doesn’t hurt.

Sorry for the very lame advice. Just figured would mention it just in case.

@rubenpeq Yeppers. You are in the right place. If you can get a server restart it can temporarily fix the issue.

** Official 1972
** TeleportPlayer 35445.507813 63243.230469 -7039.856445
** MPW

desynced cant do F*** all sick of this bulls*** bro

Hi Folks, me again

same problem on #1010, buildings and npc dont load.

can it be, that there is a problem at the area? this bug is only, if i reach our homebase at M6. game run without problems, but when i reach this area, i cant open my doors … after rejoining server buildings and npc lost

So I have always been able to play this game, had more lag death than pvp deaths so.

But after patch lag improved, but now suddenly I run into this that seems like a desync. - First I thought it was my internet or pc. But tried to log on another conan server and all is fine.

What happend is that suddenly my builds wont load, both character and placeables, looking in the clan tab im not in one. But I am. Also server list before connecting wont show correct level.
If I remove bracelet suddenly I will load into the world or map without my builds what so ever, sometime sonly doors, sometimes only doors missing. etc.

Is there something I can put into console to check something on official server or run a debug, idk whats going on anymore…

This appears to be the now infamous desync bug. Luckily, I believe you can request a server restart which can temporarily fix your issue. Welcome to the club. Good luck.

I think you need to say what server this bug is happening on and which it is not. This will give Funcom specific servers to investigate as to why it’s happening on one but not the other.
Also is it an official server, PvE/PvP/PvE-C and if private does it have any mods.

If you do not wish to put this publicly send it to Ignasis in a private message linking this bug report to the body of the mail.
If your account can not send private messages then when Ignasis acknowledges the report when he’s back at work after the weekend then ask him to upgrade your account privileges so you can.

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This post should also moved to the desync bug feedback thread.

I see in your picture that you’re also around the breach. Strange, seems lot people experience this issue also there around.
I know, there are also other touched places. But again, the breach. :wink:
The middle of the world.

Hey there,

Quick update: our team has investigated some of the feedback reports and has isolated what could be the cause for this issue. They’re working on a solution and hope to release it as soon as possible.

Game mode: [Enter game mode here: (Online official | Online private | Single-player)]
Type of issue: [Enter one of the following: Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Server type: [Enter one of the following: PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE]
Region: [Please enter your server region]

[Describe the bug here
When arriving near the base at certain times it does not render and I can not do anything my game buga the stanina does not fall anything works I have to kill myself and be born in another luhat far from there and if I turn around buga again, and anyone who comes near buga also .

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

Wow. the desync bug is all over the place as of late. I sure hope all these reports gets this fixed soon.

As a helpful reminder, the moderators require posts to be in english. There are text translators available which would give me the ability to actually see what the issue is.

