Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Crash, Freeze
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: Singleplayer
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: N/A
Bug Description:
This is preposterous. Training was cancelled tonight so I though I would be fiendish and sneak a game of Conan Exiles. So what glorious adventures did I encounter? An UNPLAYABLE game. I tried to load the Exiled Lands 4 times in my initial attempts; twice while online, and then twice while offline and here is what happened. It either loaded to the three-quarter point and then got stuck in an infinite loading loop or it loaded to the three-quarter poin then crashed. So I gave the Isle of Siptah 1 try and while it loaded, it spawned me in at the starting point instead of at my base where I saved and logged out.
So I decided to Rebuild the Database and see if that would help. I then attempted to load a further two times:
Tried to reload the Exiled Lands with an internet connection. Outcome: infinite loading loop.
Tried to reload offline. Outcome: crash to dashboard.
This is unacceptable. This is not mere hyperbole, the game has become literally unplayable.
I can not even play the game!
This is unacceptable. For heavens sake PLEASE fix this!!
Unfortunately I think this is connected to corrupted save files – I just started over, and the few times that this happened I only had about 10 - 15 hours logged into the game and it wasn’t so bad.
I hope this is resolved sooner rather than later, because for a game where you have to grind hours of game to get somewhere, it’s really dispiriting to lose everything.
So as way of an update, on both Saturday and on Sunday I once again attempted to load my Singleplayer game, twice on each day; one while online and one while offline for each day. I do not want to over do the attempts in case I inadvertently corrupt my save data. The attempts were unfortunately unsuccessful. The game remains certifiably unplayable.
I am a paying customer, I brought Conan Exiles, twice, and for 6 days now (even longer for other less fortunate members) I have been unable to play the game at all. I put the disc in my Playstation 5 and I am quite literally unable to even load up the game because of a bad hotfix/update from Funcom. But what is more concerning is that I requested assistance from Customer Support and I have received none thus far. Community Managers have posted suggested workarounds for PC and I would appreciate it if we were held in the same regard, and afforded the same level of courtesy. And simply slapping ‘report received’ on it is NOT responding to a request for help.
Moreover, it is neither fair nor reasonable to render a product brought by a paying cutomer unusable, then to proceed to ignore their requests for assistance. No if’s, and’s or but’s, I should be able to put the disc in my Playstation 5 andPLAYthe game. so let us try again: @Community, @Sarealac, @HighSaint, RitualGround.
No it isn’t. I started a fresh game with Age of Heroes and after a while, I also have the same issue. Don’t go and start a new game because of this, because it is a general issue, not related with corrupted game files. I suspect the game doesn’t know where to spawn the character and crashes, one time I was able to login and was in the beginning area of the Exiled Lands.
Same issue here on Exiled Lands. Fresh new game around 1 month ago, after 2 weeks of playing started having this issue, not being able to start the game on solo.
Rebuild database, clean cache, disable network and even re-installing the game (twice already) does not work.
I paid for the game twice (cd and online), have Siptah (that always starts) and several DLCs.
Now I can’t even play the game.
90% of the times the game does not load - this is completely unacceptable and no official reply from Funcom is out there and not a visible/upcoming fix.
Simply the worst development team / customer support out there.
Nope. The worst is still E.T made by Atari in 1982. Did Funcom almost cause the collapse of the entire video game industry? No. Is there a million copies of some Funcom game buried in a New Mexico landfill? Also no.
Yes I did. The database is rebuilt from safe mode.
Please remain on topic mate. The thread is dedicated to peoples inability play Conan Exiles, and it pains me to say, due to Funcom’s actions. This is a subject for another thread.
I suspect, and based on other threads I have read, that the issue has some variance with regard to how it manifests @MileenaUltra. Believe it or not I am not surprised that starting again help resolve your issue. A dear friend of mine here on the forum @stelagel has a tendency to migrate between servers, and also to do bombastic community challenges. Therefore he often starts new characters, and I am sure he informed me that newer save data profiles will run discernibly smoother than old ones. Though I have no basis for comparison myself, which I will get to in just a moment.
And as much as I do genuinely appreciate your attempts to help this poor wretch, this is why this option is in a manner of speaking off the table for me. I play with a Skyrim-esque lens and view all the events which have transpired to date in my gameplay as being my characters own journey to this point. And I just cannot being myself to start again at my beginnings and lose 7.5 years of work and story.
But I can see that your intentions here were only to try and be helpful, and to share your own experiences with others, and I am very grateful for that! You seem like a wonderful member @MileenaUltra, and though you have joined at a trying time, I hope you will remain an active member of our community; you are a pleasure to talk to.
I don’t have Conan Exiles on PlayStation, so I have to ask: is there an option to make a backup of all your local files (game settings, single-player game databases and their backups, etc.)?
If that is something doable, you could use that to confirm whether the issue is with the corruption of local files or something else.
It wouldn’t solve your problem at all, but it might give you better idea of what you’re dealing with and what your options are. Normally I would also say that it would give Funcom additional information that they could use to diagnose this, but I can’t say that with a straight face anymore.
The hell cares about Atari?
Never had one, never wanted one (had a Spectrum, Commodore 64 and so on) and right now it is the WORST development team ever.
I’m 99% sure it is related with an issue with the starting spawn. Again, after around 30 times trying and 2 reinstallations that did not work (and database rebuild, etc), finally I am able to login on the game, but spawned on the desert starting point of the game.
Same is happening with Isle of Siptah, my character is spawning on the beach, but on Siptah it is not crashing.
So I went and logout my character on Exiled Lands, a bit far away from my base, without any thrall nearby, without any creature or building in a range of around 100 meters.
Logged out and in several times (around 5) without issues.
Mind you, this is not related with being far away from the base, I was in the North before last crash, not even near my base, but it always crashed. I was, however, around 300m from a Cimmerian village.
Will check today if I still can login, if I can, I’m just logging out always on the same spot (even made a mark on the map for this) using admin rights to teleport there.
I’ve been able to login with success, by doing the following (for the past 10 days):
always logout far away from a base (like imagine 600m far)
when logging in, and I’m sure many of you will laugh at this, I move the R3 button in circles, imagine an infinity symbol/eight symbol laying down and move it like that slowly - I know it’s ridiculous, but desperate measures for desperate players… and usually it works better than leaving the game just loading by itself (not doing this still get crashes)
when leaving the game, I use the quit option and on the menu always wait around 1 minute before closing the game
It’s working now 90% of the time - this on a PS5 - I also advise to save regularly to the cloud.
Again, I suspect this is related with the number of objects being loaded at startup and system failing to know where to spawn you (it’s no coincidence that 80% of the time my Isle of Siptah character spawns in the beach and on Exiled Lands, sometimes I spawned on the desert between crashes)
Ok so I am having a similar problem, only on Xbox series x. For my latest exit point. I was away from base but in an area with crocs (silly place to quit, I know). My follower had just died permanently. I had to build a chest to put all the stuff in cause I was about to be overencumbored with her stuff too. Then her body disappeared and I saw a sack, I assume with her stuff. Then that too disappeared after I looked away, so I quit. I say all this, just in case there is something there to indicate a pattern with other people.
I read on other platforms that its happened to people with big bases. Mine isn’t big at all, I was only about 10 hours in, and spent most of my time exploring and capturing thralls. Could it be a too many thrall issue? I had about 15. Is everyone doing co-op like we were?
I did all the things suggested, cache, deleted save file from console, reset console, reinstalled game. It seems to me its a corrupted file issue, but I want to see if there is some kind of other common denominator to this. We are going to restart shortly, erasing our chances to recover our save, and willl try and save externally so we can go back and recover the save when it was working, should it happen again!
I can confirm this, I was playing on a single player on ps5 and now get infinite loading time, was only able to connect once, my character was suddenly at the beginning of the map, and when I tried to save and quit there to see if it would help with reconnecting in the future…. But the game froze, didn’t quit, and I had to close the game. Now can’t reconnect again, whatever the whys to this are I believe I should be able to play this game, otherwise what did I pay for?! Before this save I had a huge base that vanished for random all around stability loss, so this is just piling on top. If you don’t want to help players or support your game on a specific platform, just don’t make it available for that platform…. Better than charging people for a game they can’t play most of the time, if at all.
Has this issue been addressed directly by funcom? Is there an apology, an explanation to the actual problem? Please fix this game that I love dearly and that you took my money for, otherwise you just took my money for me to stare at a loading screen.
After countless failed tries, I managed to log back in, at the beginning of the map again, I don’t mean to spam but this seems like important information and might somehow help someone understand what the issue could be. I used argossean pieces from the argossean sets, built in the oasis next to the den, the larger pond was the first floor, so right on the line between E7 and E8, I didn’t have any decorations and there were no benches or thralls there as I was still building the main structure. Now when I did log in successfully I used admin to tp to that location, and the base was mostly there, but for some reason some foundations were missing and some random walls were gone too, the game doesn’t seem to account for the pieces being there, as it spawned flora in walls and through foundations, fauna spawned back too as if nothing was blocking them, even the rhino boss… and when I tried to quit it froze yet again and I was forced to close the game…