Can other players hurt your Thralls in PvE 🙄?

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I am always worried about bugs allowing players to steal from other players chests and such in PvE.
But what about hurting and killing Thralls? Is it possible to throw orbs (Demon-fire, Gaseous) or poisonous arrows and affect other players Thralls?

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Yes, its an exploit that needs to be fixed because it works on players as well.


Poison arrows I can confirm don’t do anything. The gas actually boosts thralls. You cough, but that’s about it. The other items, I’m not sure. That being said, palisades can hurt thralls and players. One can argue it’s an “exploit,” but I’d argue it’s a nice way to clear out decayed base areas since thralls take forever to despawn. It’s also nice for the occasional asshat who leaves their thrall nearby and ruins your building zone or a farming zone. People will continue to log in, thereby refreshing those “abandoned” thralls.

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Not anymore.


In official servers, before the update, if my team mate drop gas or whatever, not only he couldn’t hurt our thralls, but he could hurt me either!
They were using palisades, away from you territory ofcurce, to kill a forgotten thrall or pet.
Now like @Tephra said this must be over too! But I didn’t check it yet. Official pve is really safe, when it comes to this issue ofcurce :rofl:, feel free to join and have your doors open, nobody can touch anything! The only measure I take to protect my thralls from kiting, is to fix a perimeter with lattice half walls and stable entrances. Mobs and small bosses cannot jump! Yet if you build close to rockslide or rot branch, build something higher a bit, you Don want these fellows in your yard :wink:.

Ps. If your region is US 3740 has really nice community!

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That’s actually pretty dumb… there’s people that actually abuse thrall spamming more than killing other peoples’ thralls. That was the only thing I could do to stop someone who was purposely killing the berserker spawn with armed thralls. Now, people like that guy can have a field day unchecked, because we know that Funcom only bans people that actually enjoy playing the game.


Thank you :smiley_cat: . Yesterday I was checking for US servers, but pings are higher than those in Latin America, so I guess I will stay here for a while :slight_smile: .
I stopped building anti-players walls, I just build like you said, to avoid people bringing a really close to my base world boss (Scorpion King) and use my Thralls to try to kill him (many would die, I have small animals there).
My walls are low to save material and to invite other players to climb safely to my base (I have water and a map :wink: ).
GLAD to know that my things can not be stolen!, and also that no poison can hurt them.
Thank you!

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I would report that day and night :rage: .
Lucky for me I have only met helpful players in the two servers I am currently playing.
The only time one has interfered was a player who placed like 5 thralls with blunt weapons to put Lian to sleep, and I actually appreciated that :smile_cat: .

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Name your server and maybe I’ll drop the next week by to meet you if you want :blush:. Have fun m8 :+1:t6:

My pings are 9999 :rofl::rofl::rofl:, but I get used to it!

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Yeah, it’s a bit common practice to do things like have truncheons near popular thrall spawns. After that incident, someone built by the berserker spawn and parked a couple thralls nearby with truncheons. It definitely helps.

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Thralls still can be killed easily on pve. But I won´t tell how since it is an exploit.

Be aware that you also can lure npc´s, bosses and purges to thralls.

  • 3980: when 4521 is down, I just do random stuff there :smiley:
  • 4521: where I actually try hard to finish the Journey and now the battlepass.

My ping to your server is not THAT bad, around 366 :wink: .

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Oh damn! (with Capt. Holt’s voice).
Please, report it if you haven’t done it yet.
Yeah, I did not know about the purges, but I thought someone could kite the world boss to my level 0 animals :expressionless: .

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In your own base? Another player can come in to my base and kill thralls? If that is the case ofcurce you have to say, we all need to know.

Yes, they can. And more easily since the update, because thrall hp went down the road.

Forgive me if I don´t share that information, but its an exploit @stelagel. And we all know by now how the Conan community reacts to those ones they know.


That’s really sad!!! You should report it @Winthor, we should not play with fear in pve servers. Do you like it? Vengeance should not exist either vendetta in pve servers, so you the masters must stop them and I will follow to this cause! I play pvp for this reason, in pve I have open doors and sleep in my rag (beds are too soft :rofl::rofl::rofl:). I, personally do not care if thralls are gone, after all these years, thousands of them, they are nothing but tools. But sometimes in pve I like to name them and when they reach 20, they live in my house like owners dressed in light and eating lobsters! In this case I wouldn’t like to see them dead! Not that i will cry, but you know, it is something that may ruin my day!
In any case I will tell you what I do and tell me if I am in danger for now please.
Around my base I fix a small perimeter with foundations and fence foundations. I don’t place fences, I place lattice half walls. I place them in a height that either my house will be visible but no mob can enter with lower part 1.5 foundation high plus the lattice half wall. I place outside the walls “idiot” followers 0 level. Especially in Siptah you get hundreds of Cho-Cho, gorilla’s etc… If someone will kite something I don’t care if they all die. My thralls are always in and if someone wishes to come he can easily climb to drink, remove corruption and sleep why not :man_shrugging:, my doors, especially the kitchen, are always open! That’s why I play pve you know, to relax in a safe environment! Ofcurce I never provoke, always help, always give, because it’s easy for me after all these years (now I play on 3500 farming materials for another guy :rofl:), so I may not be “the target”. But it would ruin me to learn that someone can hurt others in pve, this is pure complex!
Please tell me am I safe or not?

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You are never safe in Conan. This I learned over the years. I mean, if someone really wants to troll you he will do so, right. But I wouldn´t worry too much. Most people on pve servers aren´t like that. If you treat people with respect and kindness they will return the favor.

If you have a very “special” thrall tho that you do not want to loose, I wouldn´t recomment putting him/her outside while you are offline. I also wouldn´t brag about having him/her in publicly too much since that could draw unwanted attention to you, your base and to this thrall. Some people get a kick out of destroying other peoples “special” thralls. While offline, you should put them in a logged off room, 2 walls thick, no beds or decorations like stools on the walls. Equip them with proper armor and a sandstorm mask. Keep in mind that there is only so much you can do for your thralls to be safe. In the end it is a game. You can´t predict peoples behaviour and creativity. Nothing is for eternity. So do not worry too much and simply enjoy the game. +

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Exactly what I do :man_shrugging:. It’s not me the problem @Winthor and it will never be. I don’t care to loose, because nothing is real! Others don’t see it this way and it really hurts for them!
I ain’t going to change my style no matter what because simply I don’t care! But now I understand why people build aggressive in pve! Because they know. But it’s pity!
This should not be allowed!


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