Just started doing purges and the invaders seem to have started throwing gas orbs, or perhaps it is Brimstone Golems they are using?
Either way. Do I need to worry about my thralls dying to gas? If so I can fit them out with Sandstorm masks or maybe the God Breaker Helm for the tanky ones. Obviously you need them for PvP but I am not on a PvP server.
It would be good to know, so I don’t ignore gas and lose ten+ level 20 thralls in one raid!
Any advice? Or are they imune? I tried to test this in Kaels Stronghold with gas traps. One thrall with my Gas mask and one without and neither seemed to take damage, unless it was so small I couldn’t notice it.
This one will experiment again soon.
During the thrall v golem glitch, this one segregated the two.
The gas icon still appears above thralls of they are in poison arrow plumes, but whether that deals damage is a good question.
No they don’t. Our character and npcs only. Same goes with lava damage. Too many people do purges in volcano for this reasons, to weaken or kill the npcs before they reach the build.
Just beware @Darkfury on single player not to activate pvp, because then they will .
Thanks very much everyone, that is very helpful to know, and has saved me wasting materials on God Breaker helms for all thralls (and losing some bonus damage too).