Game mode: Online official Type of issue: Bug Server type:PvE-Conflict Region: North America
PVPers surrounding dead players scouting thrall with spikes forcing the thrall to die.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
This is not a bug, this is part of the game. Also, calling them to you means you will lose everything you have on them, so it’s not exactly the best solution.
The behavior you describe on a PvE server might be considered “griefing.” On a PvP server, that’s fair play, but on a PvE server, perhaps not.
Here is the information you’ll need to contact @Ignasi and/or @Hugo to report the abuse/exploit to the server. Be sure to include screenshots and/or other forms of proof in order to have Funcom start the investigation.