Hello, since the “age of sorcery” upgrade I cannot craft building materials. I’ve poked around server settings, but I don’t know how to fix this. Can someone help? Using Xbox series X, and have built extensively, I have restated the game and console to no avail!
Make a building hammer
I did that but still the building pieces don’t show up in the inventory crafting menu. Also the pieces such as foundations, walls etc that were stored were converted to the materials such as hardened brick, shaped wood, etc
Okay, never mind! My 70 year old brain is just a tad slower with cognitive function. Got it now, whole different menu that I could not find! DUH!
Where did you find the menu for the buildings? I can’t find anything
I made a building hammer and still nothing. Not one building piece to be found or crafting of benches,ovens etc. I’m so confused
No clue man I gave up as soon as I realized half my body was invisible and my game crashed 3 times
You have to equip the construction hammer @Unhappyplayer. “F” takes you to the build menu once the hammer is equipped.
Or whichever button it is on an Xbox controller. The help menus in the bottom right corner of the screen, if you have them visible, should tell you the controls.
The new crafting system takes some getting used to, and I’m not fond of all of its features (especially with placeables), but for house-building, it’s an enormous improvement over the old system. Actual menus and tabs for different building styles, rather than scrolling through a two-mile-long crafting menu for a single inverted wedge wall, only to find that you crafted the wrong one and lose materials.
The new system basically eliminates all waste of building resources.
Once the construction hammer is equipped and selected, press LB on Xbox controller to launch the building menus. After adjustment period to new processes, building is much faster and streamlined.
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