Can’t expect it cant be done

Why can’t I create a dedicated server on pc pc to play on Xbox. My previous topic Someone said you can only rent from g portal but how does g portal them set it up. I can’t except that you can’t set one up. Lies and people who don’t know how things work is all I get. So funcom tell me how does gportal do it. Anything can be done if someone else can do it

Let me explain Sony and Microsoft have proprietary information built into the software these consoles run on its not just for Conan they don’t want it exploited. Gportal is not the best but it does work. There is the option to buy a copy of the game for pc instead of using the free version through Xbox live or whatever its called witch this conversion generally revolves around. If that is not the only case apologies.Yes it is a conspiracy not if it could be done would be all over the YouTube like all the hacks and cheats @MikeTheGent have a nice day and give it some thought. Sony Microsoft do not want us to have inside information to their consoles witch would be required to have a pc to run console service. I am sure others could give you more information on why Gportal can run consoles and u can’t on a pc its life.


There are no lies there… The way gportal sets them up is that they’re licensed as the official host and have a special version of the dedicated server that is not publicly released and allows consoles to connect to it.
That’s why you don’t see other hosting providers being able to host for consoles either.

So there’s no conspiracy theory here… what you’ve been told is true… don’t you think that if it was possible then the dozen other hosting providers would also like to jump into the market and offer console hosting?


Thank you could not think it through that far