Hello =)
I want to reactivate my old Anarchy-Online Account “******”. But I can´t reactivate because:
Account status: Banned (More information is available from our customer service)
So I don´t know why =(
I´ve tried to contact the Funcom support via e-mail, but the only response I´ve got is:
Thank you for contacting Funcom Customer Service.
We no longer accept requests for support directly via email.
To open a help ticket please go to http://help.funcom.com .
And even on http://help.funcom.com I´ve found no way to create a support ticket. There are only two links which reffer to this forum or to Funcom Customer Service Twitter Account.
Please help =)
If you scroll down past those graphic links there’s an email support form.
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May 31, 2018, 12:31pm
Hmmmm… there´s nothing I can see =( both Opera Browser and Firefox won´t show the support form =(
May 31, 2018, 1:21pm
Have you tried Chrome? And are you on the latest versions of either Opera or Firefox? We’ve heard of this happening for some folks and are looking into it.
I use Opera (current version 53.0) and it’s showing fine.
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I´ve tried Chrome and Opera. Both in actual versions. But it won´t show up
May 31, 2018, 1:45pm
Any plugins or extensions?
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Only adobe flashplayer and shockwave player
The iframe where the form is supposed to be is calling up the menu.
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May 31, 2018, 6:54pm
I have tested some other internet browsers and finally the “Dooble” browser shows up the support contact form
I was finally able to send the support ticket
[Funcom Support #1072619 ]