Can we get a way to priorize (star maybe) what the thralls/pets, and mounts eat for leveling?

It does seem that they might be eating the right food, but it doesn’t hurt to be sure.

It is always possible I am missing the mechanic and if so please inform me and I am sorry for the trouble, but if not can we please have a way to ensure that thralls, pets, and mounts that are still leveling in fact eat the right food for the right stats we want to promote even with a variety of food in the food box/ thrall pot ?


It depends what you want the thrall or pet to be like so how would stars or prioritizing work?
For example all human thralls are:

It seems fine to me as it is. Just need to check the Wiki or ask here if you can’t remember or whatever.

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Oh, I was not clear. I am truly sorry about that. What I meant was I know what food/stat I want them to eat I just want a way to ensure it by locking them to it especially if there is different food in their inventory which the varies food boxes can do.

If you put it inside them they will eat only that. Also it either used to be, still is, or I’m hallucinating that they will eat the first food in their inventory (top row, left column) before the others if there are multiple foods in.

Yeah, but the food boxes add food to their inventory also. And because of this the wrong food could be used in their inventory when you have them out leveling with you.

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You mean like “The Thrall Pot” and the “Feed Box”? Those are broken. You can dump some stuff in them during a purge but for daily feeding just don’t use those.

I got you but they still put food in npc inventories and I just wanted a way added to mark the food in the npcs inventory to eat first all the time . Of course I am only worry about the food they eat on leveling trips ie. when they are following and fighting.

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Yeah, it’s broken, don’t use them. From a few threads here it has been said that those things are slated for removal anyway, so…

They are not the problem per say it is more the pet inventory I am concerned about as this is the one that the pet eats from. I use the boxes also to keep pets not training in the pens alive. So this being the case there is going to be different pet in the box and different foods as well.

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Yeah, no need. No need to feed idle pets or thralls. So just when you take them out as followers is the only time you need to feed them - then and also it’s a good idea to have stuff in them during a purge.

Makes sense to me. And again I am only really worried about what they eat outside following me, but the issue is the chance they will retain other foods in their inventories when close to the box.

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Step A) Don’t use the box, it’s broken…
Step B) Goto Step A…

Sigh, it is good for one purpose not for the other. I just want to be able to LOCK the food I WANT only for consumption on my leveling /following pets. I understand the box is broken but that is not the problem the pets inventory food consumed priority is. Caps for visibility only not shouting.

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I do @TeleTesselator appreciate your help though in case I haven’t made that clear. Thank you for suffering with me over this bad explaining by me of my problem, also.

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Sure, but if you’re not using the box (because it’s broken) then how would they get other foods in them?

And like I say I think the order (left to right, top to bottom) determines what they eat first. I know that used to be the case anyway. So if correct, the prioritizing is already there.

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So as long as you leave it on the left (first) it will stay there (first eaten always) ?

Yes, I believe so. That’s how it worked in the past when I tested it 6 or 8 months back anyway.

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Thank you as you are awesome and have helped me greatly .

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LOL… NP… It’s all just fun…

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