Haven’t played in a while, joined a server today and raided a base. I open all the crafting benches and see that thralls are now actual NPCs you can place. I couldn’t find a way to take them out and loot them…
If this is true, pvp was just killed for me. What’s the point in raiding a large base if you can’t take the mass amounts of named thralls they have stored? First they made the legendaries non fixable/legendary repair kits absolutely useless, and now this? Why would I raid now? For some steelfire I can craft in 5 min?
It also means that other players can straight up kill your crafters and now they’re of no use to anyone at all, not even the raiders.
I have to say…this is not appealing to returning players in the slightest. I can see why the playerbase has dropped so much. Sorcery was awesome but afterwards it just seems like they’ve constantly missed the mark every update
I can see your logic behind your disappointment.
I’ve always viewed the mass storage of thralls as a total waste of storage space and the misuse of a resource that was not intended to be handled like an expendable commodity such as food.
Having been able to steal them from storage chests (and other storage objects) would somehow turn into an abject lesson to avoid such an exploit.
When that was removed in favor of the living settlements, the outcry was nearly world shattering. (apparently as it has done to you).
But in all seriousness, have you ever questioned the stupidity of hoarding thralls as if they were the equivalent of spoilable food or simply excess equipment?
If they were going to be hoarded and stored, they should have been set to decay … and rapidly. Simply because of this. How long would you survive stored away in a closed chest that’s really not much larger than your best lounging chair?
I hope they consider at least letting PVPers KO opposing clan followers, there was a time this was possible.
Anyway, @Ozymandias430 , you can still steal thralls that are stored. But, I would question your intent on raiding if that was the most important goal. Considering how easy it is to KO at Tavern, purges, rescue from cages and even purchase like through Head Hunters… it is almost inconsequential.
saddly, yes they did it. But we can still store named thralls, they still can be taken in places like before, but named thralls can be obtained in purge too they come in cages and we free them, and then they become npcs in the world counting on our follower ranks. Its a way easy to obtain crafters this way. Now they can be killed when them dont die for no reason or desappears, there is a lot questionable mechanics they implemented, purges as tower defense, live settlements, fatalities, and others some good some bad, tavern system was brilliant, but in last update tavern folks can open the gates on our bases and crafter thralls too.
Every player is different. Some people like to just pvp during raids, some like to blow things up, some like to steal resources and some like to take thralls. Not a single one of those is wrong, we all have our preferences. Heck some even like scorched earth and leave no foundation left untouched.
You would be surprised. Look up the black hole of calcutta, a prison space designed to hold 3 men and it held over 60
As for the starvation and all that, it’s just a game. I think they’re a little too late in implementing aspects of realism lol when the game is on its way out
On populated pvp servers, you can’t do most of the new things without someone blowing it all up. I don’t think I’ve seen a single tavern with NPCs walking around
I don’t know about the other things because I haven’t played in more than a year, like late 2023
I remember quite a few years ago you were able to use a Truncheon on enemy thralls. You could knock them out and I think drag them with a binding. I didn’t get to test if you could put them on the wheel and rebreak them. Not long after they fixed it so truncheons didn’t work. This was before Isle of Siptah.
I think how it should work now is if you can access the thrall, knock it out, you can steal it by getting it to a wheel of pain and reconverting it. That would be a pretty good change for PVP.
Okay, I’ll concede the prison space referenced in Calcutta.
But seriously? Take a look at your basic T2 chest and tell me you can live in there indefinitely.
I’m not surprised more vaults haven’t been layered across the landscape for housing excess thralls.
Really, storing them was a bad idea to begin with and fools just can’t stop hoarding.
Sure, it’s a game and it’s been exploited to hell because of design ignorance in foolishly even THINKING players wouldn’t exploit it. You know damned well it was and still is.
I’ll be blunt about this.
You’re going to have to find better ways to get your freebies now and that shouldn’t be so damned difficult for someone as creative as you.
The only issue with KOing was it was easier then killing them. They would have to make yhe ko meter harder to deplete comparwd tp the hp bar. IE if it takes 20 swings to kill, then it should take 30 strikes to KO.
I wouldn’t go so far as to call it stupidity. Yeah, as far as game mechanics go, it was a pretty ridiculous one, but no more ridiculous than storing 20 large crates inside 1 small crate.
Devs weren’t stupid to implement it, they simply cut corners to meet the deadlines. Instead of implementing a whole new system for thrall taming and placement, they reused some of the existing inventory and storage components.
Players weren’t stupid to use it, because let’s face it, the RNG grind for special “cultural” thralls who made flawless armors and weapons was a fuсking nightmare. If you found a spare Grrr Legbiter in the world, you knocked him out, praised RNGeezus, and stored him in a chest.
They finally got around to implementing a new system as part of the Living Settlements update, and it wasn’t a bad idea per se, but the implementation sucked.
Would it, though? If you don’t have good thralls, you can’t really compete with a clan that does. And a clan that has them won’t really have that specific reason to go to war with another clan.
Maybe a smaller clan could wait for two bigger clans to go to war and then take advantage during the chaos and steal some thralls.
I don’t know, ideas like this always make me wonder how you would balance out the positive feedback loop embedded in it.