Can we please get armor stands

I am in agreement with you @Twitchy. And as is the case every time this suggestion recurrs, (which is quite frequently!) it has my support and advocacy. As numerous past threads have demonstrated, this often requested feature has enjoyed consistent, and high levels of support and popularity for years now. If anyone would like some numbers then see Example Thread 1 and also Example Thread 2. Armor Display Stands are a pillar of fun and enjoyment for numerous open world and survival games, with other titles such as Fallout 4, Skyrim, Ark: Survival Evolved and The Forrest all featuring armor display stands.

Much like Twitchy I do not abide the idea of using thralls as Armor Display Stands/Manequins. For one these ‘armor stands’ have a tendency to move around and face the wrong way at best, and get killed by Purges and nearby roaming mobs, in addition to getting stuck in meshes and requiring rescuing at worse. The outcome for the worst is the same; loss of our rare and hard earned armor. Moreover, I also find the concept rather unwholesome on a fundamental level. I mean who among us can honestly say that they would invite their friends over then have them stand around our home wearing our finest clothes…!? No takers…then how about criminals or hobos, which is basically what enslaved Exlies are. It doesnt sound appealing to me. Kings and Conquerers dont dress slaves and peasants in their own finest attire, and certainly not in Hyboria.

I know that this issue presents challenges in the form of potential performance issues, and other users such as WMHB and Testerle were correct and justified in pointing them out. However, I would add that almost anything in the game has the potential to negatively impact server performance if spammed: excessive foundation spamming, thrall & pet spam, lighting & torch spam, fish trap spam, crafting stations all with a backlog of tasks spam. The list goes on. If we witheld or removed every item which has the potential to negatively impact upon server performance, half of the game would be missing!

A number of users such as myself have offered up potential compromises and solutions in the past which I am happy to repost here. I do not care if this post makes me unpopular or draws scorn. This highly requested feature has enjoyed an enduring multitude of users both calling for and supporting calls for Armor Display Racks/Manequins to be added since the game lauched. As such, I dont feel that the best approach here should be ‘too hard, too risky, dont try’, but rather a ‘lets keep trying to find a working solution’ discourse.

Sorry for the wall of text, Faithful out.