So the other day I was adding some decor to my pub I built using my year 2 pass and got to thinking, how awesome would it be to have a way to show of all my legendary Armor I’ve collected over time. There’s so much great looking armor out there that having a way to show it off is almost a necessity, and what better way to do it then with a mannequin. Yes we can put it on our thralls but how nice would it be to have mannequin that you can place outfits on for encumbrance, survival, strength and so on, so when you’re ready to go fight some bosses you go to your strength mannequin and when you need to go get a boatload of resources you go to your encumbrance mannequin and make a quick change of clothes without having to sort through your chests full of armor.
Your idea has been mentioned before I would like to see it implemented.
One of the few things I miss from Fo4. I used to have multiple armor sets on mannequins both for show and to organize my sets by order. Be great to have it here as well.
Your idea has been mentioned before I would like to see it implemented.
Boa Noite, primeiro gostaria de parabenizar os desenvolvedores deste jogo, em relação aos manequins concordo e sou a favor a adição deles no jogo, mas tem a questão do quanto isso pode pesar no game play, sendo agora uma sugestão porque não implementar um limite, assim como foi feito com os Pet’s e os Lacaios, sendo estes poderia ser mais reduzidos também, pois tem bases que parecem mais um Zoo, KKKKKKKKK, bom trabalho e que este jogo possa crescer muito mais, muito sucesso para todos.
Why I dont believe we have had this idea posted on the forum yet. No in all seriousness JEMsTV I dont mind at all, and I really hope that people continue to bring it up. Thankyou very much for doing so.
I remember reading that and thinking to myself “Oh boy…that is going to throw a wrench in the works”. I understand and genuinely do accept and believe their reasoning. But I point blank refuse to give up on this! Armor Display Manequinns are one of my single most wanted festures for Conan Exiles, second only to more Crom features. Yep, that is how badly I want them. I know it was stated that it would be expensive, but there has to be some, ANY form of trade off. Expensive and simply and utterly unaffordable are two totally different things in my books. I mean many thralls wearing armor is (as I am led to believe) expensive too, as is some lighting such as braziers and torches. Furthermore, almost anything has the potential to be abused and cause performance issues (yes I know some more than others).
Personally I am willing to settle for a compromise or trade off. For example, could we have them, just as an example figure, them limited to say 5 per player (ie-they cant be built/spammed, and must be downloaded as a DLC), purchased from an in-game merchant or something else…? Im open to suggestions and discussion…
Holy crap, what?! Seriously, if mannequins are deemed too expensive, then there’s no hope for decorative thralls, either.
“Disappointing” is the most polite word I have for this. I knew Conan Exiles had tech issues, but not being able to have armor stands “for performance reasons” makes it sound like things are held together with bubblegum, spit, duct tape and boogers…
Well, I’ll let you know. One of the players on my server is intent upon placing 90 Fashionist armor stands in his base (the largest base on the server, mind you), so we’ll see how that pans out I guess…
Armor Displays to compliment Weapon Racks? (48:37):
Armor displays are currently not a feature of the game as Scott said that it at least partially has to do with performance reasons. Some of the armors are quite expensive, and can lead to issues if a player were to have tons of them. Scott recognizes that it is a frequent request amongst the community though.
Please @Larathiel and @CodeMage, do not give up hope my friends. Perhaps I am reading too much into this, Scott stated it is expensive quote: “…if you just have tons and tons of them all over the place, its not going to run very well…”. Sounds like we would need truly excessive amount of them.To me that sounds more like an issue relating to spamming, be that Foundations, Lighting, Armor Manequinns or otherwise. This sounds more like a lack of willingness to me. We now also have rules relating to DDoS and Server Spam. So if someone becomes too excessive in using them, can we not simply report the behaviour here?
re: Hacking and Exploits
"…and server DDoS.
Exploits are uses and abuses of game mechanics to obtain an unfair advantage over other players including creating a detrimental play experience."
re: Harassment and Griefing
"Regarding the building system, although freedom is encouraged through the sandbox mechanics of the game, please remember that there are other players sharing the server with you. We reserve the rights to act upon in cases we deem necessary, such as but not limited to:
- Irresponsible abuses of the building system leading to loss of performance both on client and server-side.
- Special consideration against these cases will be taken in PVE and PVE-Conflict servers."
Not a problem, I’ve seen all the past post too but really want them just like everyone else lol
Count me in this too, i want any idea of an armor stand badly. For now a solution is to use the most beautiful lvl 1 npcs but still when something happens they run all together and i cannot pick my armor . So mannequin, armor stand, whatever is steady is better
I suspect it’s less an issue of them being “expensive” for the server and more about respecting the rendering and I/O limitations of client machines.
For example that huge base on my server? I’ve got a pretty beefy system and I experience some slowdown there, but my system is still responsive and I can fight purges without issue. For those with older systems though? Their systems chug just visiting when there’s nothing going on.
I believe that’s the issue that they are being mindful of, because I doubt my player is the only one who sees an armor stand and instantly wants to make one of every suit of armor in the game… which translates to having to load every armor mesh and texture concurrently.
That said, if the devs were able to figure out a means of implementing thrall limits, I don’t see why they couldn’t do the same with Decorative NPCs or Armor Stands.
Exactly. Using a thrall for an armor stand is objectively worse for both server performance (since thralls require AI) and for client-side rendering as well (human figures being much more complex than a simple stand).
@ CodeMage does this help?
I feel like something’s missing…
This photo is obviously the work of someone who lost control…
I’ll see myself out…
So if someone becomes too excessive in using them, can we not simply report the behaviour here?
Yes and No. the problem is if mannequins are allowed to be placed close together, some one could build them unseen and mass produce the most basic of armor to trigger lag defenses etc. Even the noble player on official PVE could be building a museum for others to view every armor, and it still would be seen as toxic. And to screen grab/video to prove would be really hard if the mannequins were hidden inside of bases. The only way I see it feasible is to limit to very few per (3 or 4) per player. Thus removing the ability to spam produce lag.