Thankyou for Armor Displays

As someone who often requested this feature, I just wanted to offer a belated thankyou to Funcom for adding Armor Displays (manequinns) to Conan Exiles! Not only has my armory never looked better, but it makes switching between our sets of often used sets of armor more efficient. Awesome feature!


Hear! Hear!


Agreed. Wibbles aside, this past year has seen the addition of many long desired features.

Remember when they added Creative Mode and toggles for no build, no stability, and no thrall exclusion zones?

Also, with the note that more Armour Displays will come later, it takes the wind from any of the BP limitation complaints.

Also, it was placed right at the complimentary beginning of the BP.
So basically, if one so much as picks their nose during the several months period, there it is.


OK my friend I
 may o have earned but what do I need for armor stand think I have it just wanted to be sure


Hells yes. Tho I’d rather Thralls just get the full set of emotes the player has. That way I could use them as fully movin’ and a jigglin’ armour stands! But I’ve already had my rant on that and won’t torture y’all again with it!

:star_struck: sim “Armor Displays” ficou melhor por que não temos que deixar uma amostra no seguidor com risco de perder
 Agora falta a FUNCOM fazer ajustes como a armadura do beligerante “Fim dos Deuses” e fazer o ajuste de mostrar a cor das armaduras pintadas com tinta que no momento mostra apenas a cor original quando estão dentro de “Armor Displays” :thinking:

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If you think that’s bad. Try using those helms with mods that add eye attachments. Its the stuff of nightmares.

The issue is the helm usually hides the entire character’s head when worn. Its smaller than the character’s head. So when put on something that doesn’t hide, it shows through.

Absolutely @LostBrythunian! In regard to in game items and additions, Funcom has been implementing numerous items often requested by the player base.

Oh how could I ever forget this one! It breathed new life and renewal into my gaming experience and made it easier to ascertain the size of placeables and if a piece type looks congruent with our bases design before commiting to it, almost like a ‘try before you buy’ option. Great for creative builders and also for seeing what recipes we may be missing. Loved it!

Agree! :+1:

It is the fourth item we unlock on the Chapter 3 Battle Pass @sestus2009. You create it at the Artisans Bench using wood and blood crystals good buddy. Here is the Wiki link.


Been playing on official Siptah and not run into blood crystals yet. That doesn’t mean I won’t jump on ours and get some!

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Why do Armor Displays need blood crystal? That worries me a bit

What do they do when we’re not there? Is it like Toy Story?


Question: since the armour display mannequin is unlocked in the Battle Pass (for free as of now), what will happen of it when the items of the Battle Pass are changed? Will the new players not have access to it? Will it be automatically integrated to the basic knowledge?

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You mean those who get into CE after C3? Obviously they won’t have access to mannequins, the same way we don’t have access to C1 and C2 BP stuff. It is funny how player who, for some reason, still pick up CE in 2024 will actually be using around 100 Gb of disk space, while additional 50 Gb will just sit there as Bazaar/BP dead-weight.

But “new and improved” (those able to display dyed gear) mannequins will make it into BazzaaR :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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But the BP items of C1/C2 cannot be compared to the mannequins. Those were paid for.
While the mannequins are free items. Not any free item, but something that has been asked for a long time by the community, way before the revamp of the game. It existed for the weapons for free in the knowledge menu, why not for the armours? :stuck_out_tongue:
I would understand if the free item offered was directly related to the story of the Chapters, like sorcerer super power potions, or a sorcerer skin, a golem skin, etc., hence they would not be able to offer it in the next Age or chapter. But the mannequin just seems like a basic item of the game that was randomly dropped in the BP.

I don’t know why, but you convinced me on this one :smiling_face_with_tear:

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