Cannot load onto server after update 2.7

Game mode: Online official | Online private | Singleplayer
Type of issue: Crash | Bug |
Server type: PvP
Region: [ US ]
Mods?: [ Are mods installed: Yes and tested without mods ]
Edition: [ Select one: Steam ]

Bug Description: Crashing when loading onto a dedicated server or singleplayer. Fails to load onto a clean server with no mods after the update due to this server network error and missing files that will not return even with validation and reinstall.

[2021.12.10-15.04.22:345][227]LoadErrors:Error: Error M_Master_Stone_Rock is to be corrupt! Failed to fill UniformExpressionCache based on UniformExpressionSet. Please recompile the material!
[2021.12.10-15.04.22:345][227]LoadErrors:Error: Error M_Conan_Legacy_Material is to be corrupt! Failed to fill UniformExpressionCache based on UniformExpressionSet. Please recompile the material!
[2021.12.10-15.04.22:345][227]LoadErrors:Error: Error M_SB_blend is to be corrupt! Failed to fill UniformExpressionCache based on UniformExpressionSet. Please recompile the material!
[2021.12.10-15.04.22:345][227]LoadErrors:Error: Error MI_SB_wood is to be corrupt! Failed to fill UniformExpressionCache based on UniformExpressionSet. Please recompile the material!
[2021.12.10-15.04.22:345][227]LoadErrors:Error: Error M_Rock_Thingy is to be corrupt! Failed to fill UniformExpressionCache based on UniformExpressionSet. Please recompile the material!

[2021.12.10-06.35.55:162][274]Network:Error: Code: KDS passphrase failure: Server provider id certificate unavailable: 0x80092004
[2021.12.10-06.35.55:162][274]Network:Display: Connecting to key distribution web service wss://…
[2021.12.10-06.35.55:162][274]Network:Display: Key distribution web service: Connecting (session: E258166C43A8FAFD36423787EAF7D006, mirror: wss://, fail count: 1, retry time: -1.0)
[2021.12.10-06.35.55:179][275]Network:Display: Key distribution web service: Disconnected (session: E258166C43A8FAFD36423787EAF7D006, mirror: wss://, fail count: 2, retry time: 0.5)
[2021.12.10-06.35.55:179][275]Network:Error: Code: Connection state abandoned with state changes still pending. This should never happen.

[2021.12.10-15.04.35:891][263]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox_SOUND.uasset”
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:028][263]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox_SOUND.uasset”
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:028][263]LogPakFile:Warning: Attempted to load forbidden filename: “…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x4_y4.uasset”
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:036][263]GraniteLog:Error: Granite Error: M_Master_Serpentmen_1 is to be corrupt! Failed to fill UniformExpressionCache based on UniformExpressionSet. Please recompile the material!
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:097][263]LogLevelActorContainer: Created LevelActorCluster (1035) for /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x4_y3.heightmap_x4_y3:PersistentLevel with 2135 objects, 51 referenced clusters and 299 mutable objects.
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:137][263]LogLevelActorContainer: Created LevelActorCluster (1036) for /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x4_y4.heightmap_x4_y4:PersistentLevel with 582 objects, 51 referenced clusters and 255 mutable objects.
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:163][263]LogLevelActorContainer: Created LevelActorCluster (1037) for /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox_SOUND.ConanSandbox_SOUND:PersistentLevel with 12 objects, 0 referenced clusters and 3 mutable objects.
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:188][263]LogEngine: BlockTillLevelStreamingCompleted: 2
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:188][263]Streaming:Display: Waiting for streaming completed (game, NPC replication)
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:193][263]Audio:Display: [ConanSandbox_C_0] Environment audio level loaded.
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:206][263]LogUMG:Display: Widget Class RP_W_Floating_Chat_C - Loaded Fast Template.
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:239][263]LogNet: NotifyStreamingLevelUnload: PersistentLevel
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:239][263]LogNet: NotifyStreamingLevelUnload: PersistentLevel
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:240][263]LogNet: NotifyStreamingLevelUnload: PersistentLevel
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:241][263]LogNet: NotifyStreamingLevelUnload: PersistentLevel
[2021.12.10-15.04.36:314][263]LogSlate: Took 0.003338 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/UI/Fonts/OpenSans_0_Regular.ufont’ (213K)
Script stack log empty!

[2021.12.10-15.04.36:326][264]LoadErrors:Error: Error M_Master_Serpentmen_1 is to be corrupt! Failed to fill UniformExpressionCache based on UniformExpressionSet. Please recompile the material!

Script stack log empty!

[2021.12.10-14.52.53:511][677]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsNoEditor
[2021.12.10-14.52.53:511][677]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 4182.39 MB used, 4628.85 MB peak
[2021.12.10-14.52.53:511][677]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 6993.39 MB used, 7023.35 MB peak
[2021.12.10-14.52.53:511][677]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 10983.39 MB used, 54473.03 MB free, 65456.43 MB total
[2021.12.10-14.52.53:511][677]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 13440.26 MB used, 54473.03 MB free, 134217728.00 MB total
[2021.12.10-14.53.15:767][677]LogThreadingWindows:Error: Runnable thread TaskGraphThreadNP 0 crashed.
[2021.12.10-14.53.15:767][677]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
[2021.12.10-14.53.15:767][677]LogWindows:Error: Fatal error!
[2021.12.10-14.53.15:767][677]LogWindows:Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000010
[2021.12.10-14.53.15:767][677]LogWindows:Error: !0x0000000000000000
[2021.12.10-14.53.15:767][677]LogWindows:Error: Crash in runnable thread TaskGraphThreadNP 0
[2021.12.10-14.53.15:798][677]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2021.12.10-14.53.15:798][677]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2021.12.10-14.53.15:798][677]Log file closed, 12/10/21 09:53:15

Installed Mods: (When added to server)

Improved Quality of Life
Roleplay Redux
RA: Cinnamon Candle
Immersive Armor
Armor of the Sun Set
Dudes Delightful Decorations
Classical Architecture
Lemurian Architecture
Glass Construction and more…
Desert Town
Northern Timber
SvS Ext Unlock Rcp Feats
Shadows of Skelos Vol.2
No Slave Bracelets
Infinity Weapons
Infinity Sword 2H
Stackable chests by Accident
Eastern Exiles
Devious Desires
Roleplay Theatrics
Reduce Rain
Greater Camera Distance
Barbarian Barber
Ravencrest Couriers
OSH weapon plus
River Boats of the Exiled Lands (Lite)
Lexa’s Exiled Lands Improved
Hosav’s Pets Extended
Vanheim Chronicles - Ivory Warhorn
Wafflurgy Artisanal Utopian Spread
Eldarium in the Exiled Lands
Emotes for Thralls
Infinity-Gaming Zamorian Thief Armor Color Update
Savage Steel
Savage Steel vol III
Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal
(EEWA) Outpost Removal
(EEWA) Enrichment Removal
Teliths Island Ruin Removal
(LBPR) Additional Features
Less Building Placement Restrictions (edited)

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Launch game
  2. Attempt to load into server
  3. Crashing when loading into server
  4. Etc.

It is almost 100% certain that it is a mod issue. You are running a couple of mods that are confirmed to be causing crashes. Savage Steel (one of them), GCam, possibly more. This error code is the code we were getting before Multigun updated LBPR AF. I am confident that the issue is caused by one of your mods that adds building pieces and/or placeables. Make sure you are running the latest versions of the mods. For the mods that are confirmed to be crashing, you will have to either wait for an update or remove them and lose all items from the removed mod.

P.s. And no, I don’t believe that you have truly tested without mods on a clean database.

Ah, none of them were giving me errors besides EEWA having issues with whatever it does with the original legacy materials which seem to be corrupted even on servers that don’t use mods which its file is probably part of the culprit for breaking EEWA but I managed to get in for a bit. Couldn’t get the server to boot because of those network errors a day later.

I lost about 30 people so I decided to wipe it and the same errors from the volcano dungeon thralls were reappearing along with dozens of other missing assets for the event in the script stacks in the logs, Jumped into single player which is un-modded both on this machine and another and it was outputting the same errors in the log. I’m on my 6th machine with this game because on the others it just produces fatal errors without an empty script stack that I will probably never solve.

For what it’s worth, I can confirm that Savage Steel is definitely having problems in my singleplayer game since the update. (I can’t even enter the save with the mod enabled.) From what I’ve been reading there are some inconsistencies, with some people having problems and others still being ok. My best guess is that it’s either an interaction with other mods, or relates to exactly what items from the mod have been used - not that my guess means anything.

Indeed, I was not crashing with a specific mod until I placed a single foundation from it. From that point onwards, I couldn’t even log anymore until the mod was updated which resolved the issue.

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I didn’t get any errors for it in the logs and I was in fine with the other day when I was on, is it possible that it caused the funcom launcher network issues?

That’s far beyond my primitive guessing skills, I’m afraid. All I know is that I crash at a consistent point during the loading screen (after main game menu) if I have the mod installed, but can get in fine without it (but then I lose most of my storage, lol). Unfortunately, it seems the modder has some real life matters that need to take precedence, so it’ll be fixed when it’s fixed seems to be the fairest estimate. All I can say is that I’ve seen suggestions that some people aren’t having problems with it - so maybe it’s not the source of your issues, or maybe it is involved? Either way, it’s probably one to at least be aware could have issues.

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