Game mode: Online official | Online private
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE
Region: All
System: Win 10
So, I have a pretty massive issue, as I am unable to play online rn.
Whenever I join a game, I am either immediately thrown out, during the loading screen and get the error message “Failed to join requested game.” And other times, I do get on, but am thrown off after a few minutes, getting the same error message.
It does not matter, whether it is on a public server, or a modded private server, the issue is the same on both.
I can however play on empty servers, without any issue, both private modded and public ones. (Although I only played for about 5-10 min each for testing purposes, so the issue may still be there)
It does not matter, which account I use on steam, as each of my 3 accounts produces the same issue.
The issue occured first sunday 26th, and was not present two days earlier.
So far I tried
-The propsed fix of setting your max ping to 500
-deinstalling battleye, validating local files and running the game without battleeye to join our private server.
-Using different accounts on steam
-Reinstalling the game cleanly
-Running the game with Anti-Virus off
-Running the game with my PCs firewall off (I can not deactivate my routers firewall)
None of these things worked, I keep getting the same issue.
As I am an admin on a private server, this is quite the issue for me, as I cant do anything inside the game to help our players and the rest of the staff.
I also read about an infamous bug, that kicks some players, any time another player places any kind of placeable or building piece. And from what I gathered, it does seem to fit the issue, but from what I read, there is no client side fix, people have found.
But as it stands, there is no way to reproduce the bug, noone else of my team or players has the issue, who I talked to, and noone has heard of it either.
Please, I already sunk almost 20 hours into this issue, this week and I am about to rip my hair out.
Thank you for any help.