Game mode: [Online Private]
Problem: [Bug | Performance]
Region: [US]
[Can’t equip weapons or tools. Tried the emote fix says I can’t in my current state. Current state is standing in clan base with all equipment in a trunk. Tried unequipping everything and then equipping it again that didn’t work. Nor did self killing. It happened after I dropped some spoiled meat off the side of a cliff. I tried looting it back it wouldn’t let me like it was still falling. ]
Yes it shows the equip animation
Yes I can equip torches and shield
Hadn’t tried the two handed weapon that worked thanks
Hadn’t been able to fix it on the other server yet
We haven’t been able to reproduce the issue on our end so feel free to share any further information that you may recall, such as whether you had your weapons out while you dropped an item or any other action/step taken before noticing the issue.