I have tried all PS4 settings not sure what else to do. I am on an official server. How to you chat? Do you have to be in a party? Thanks
I’ve been having the same issue. I’ve read many posts on this and a lot say that it has been disabled but I’m not sure how true this is.
I can see other players mic icons as if they’re talking but hear no sound. The icon to show my mic does not show at all.
Same here with the mic showing. I hear people trying to speak with me but only found I could text message them the other day. It spoils my experience, especially if i want to do dungeons with a group or join a clan. Will try to test it tonight maybe. One post did say to check out party chat, as it may start working.
@Astrigarde I play on a private server and you have to go into chat. Have also accidentally shut off my microphone. The few times I have heard local chat it was awful.
How do you go into chat? Sorry I am totally new to the headphones on ps4.
@Astrigarde I’m on ps4 too and you just make sure your mic is on and plug in your headset. On audio settings make sure the setting to see other people’s a d your mic indication on the screen when they talk. But that’s the issue. Can’t see it when I talk. Can see it when other people supposedly talk but can’t hear them.
Thanks, will test it out next time I see someone. I have everything turned on, including push to talk and all the indicators to show people talking have been ticked. I am reading other people are having issues, it seems to be random. As long as I can hear others I can get by.
I got it working I think. Party chat works and I have been told if someone is near to you then you should be able to talk and hear them. I checked my
PS4 settings and made sure the mic was on, then went onto Conan Exiles and checked the mic indication was on. So I don’t show a little mic picture in the players list but apparently this is not important. I need to check now with people standing next to me now and see if they can hear outside of party chat.
@Astrigarde let me know if it works
It does work. Just doesn’t show your mix indication. I was next to a player on pvp who tried to chase me around the map in an attempt to kill. So I ran him over with my horse a few times before I got bored. I could see his mic indication and actually hear him. I know for a fact he also heard me after I said I know where their base is. He then stopped and proceeded to run off towards it.
Long story short, nobody can see thejr mic when talking but other players can
bonjour pourriez vous m’aider je vient ouvrir un serveur mais je n’arrive pas a le faire tenir en x200