Capture baby dragon and fly it on the map

In Elder Scrolls, while riding horses before each land came up to the player, there was a small notification on the bottom right side saying “loading Gold Coast or whatever area.” For Conan Exiles, a small warning can be given to players to slow their mounts in between biomes. For areas that need time to load and render when riding horses, y’all can give us more bosses or some kind of minor cinematic distraction so that mounts do not glitch. A minor loading screen can also be a great help to allow for render for both p.c. and consoles.

I generally use p.c. now and days because I love modding and editing things.

A game with PVP available everywhere is probably not the best place to introduce any more loading screens than it already has. you’d need to add lots of warnings for players getting close to a biome border so they won’t accidentally cross it and trigger a cinematic while fighting another player or an NPC boss creature.

Does Elder Scrolls allow 80% of the map to have unlimited size player built destructible structures, along with 100,000 destructible environment spawns?

Kapoteeni: They don’t have any cinematics (like cut scenes) in the game yet. There’s no loading while moving around the map. The idea is to get players to slow down their mounts at certain points inside the biomes and between the next ones so that the glitch effect does not happen. I just thought another problem which may be causing their glitching issue. The Agility attribute allows for players to run at faster speeds every time they level it up and it may be causing a conflicting issue with the mounts. They need to import custom invisible landscape meshes with “Navmesh” to pull off the horse mounts.

WhatMightHaveBeen: That has nothing to do with what I’m talking about.

How would this “forced slow-down” work? Wouldn’t that require “no-riding zones” close to biome borders? How realistic would that be if you couldn’t gallop across that hill because there’s a savannah on the other side of the ridge?

I don’t know how big or small an area the game keeps loaded and active at a time, but I’m afraid these slow-down zones would need to be too frequent and too wide for your suggestion to work.

I think flying mounts are not a good idea for this game. And flying dragons are not part of Conan’s universe (at least not to my knowledge).
But and contrary to what other players and Funcom say, I do not understand why there cant be mounts in this game. I may not be a coder (but I’m an engineer) and I see that on other games that use the same UE4 engine with the same principle of construction in game there are mounts. And why, would not it be possible to have mounts that do not move faster than the sprint speed ? All this is incoherent.
Some people do not want to see the game evolve (I do not understand why) but too much elements are missing in this game (a real economic system, cities a little more realistic and alive, random events, magic, more exploration without necessarily enlarge the map, more workshops, more armor , more placeable for RPG and mounts). Unfortunately without all this, Conan will not last.


Ever played Morrowind? Let’s take Morrowind for example. Let’s say you cheated and maxed out your stamina, the player would zip across the map like The Flash and on the bottom right screen it says “Loading Gold Coast” and the areas are not rendering like they should and takes 30 secs for the textures and data to catch up. Funcom also mentioned it’s to do with the data inside the ground the players walk on. They said that Unreal Engine 4 is working on a patch that will fix the landscape problem.

My main suggestion for them is to import their own custom 3d mesh landscape floor pieces, make them invisible to players, and place them slightly on top of the current ground with its own coding so that the horses or other mounts do not fall straight through when riding.

Sorry, I don’t think it would be better for immersion that landscapes look like Picasso’s paintings. I might actually rather take a derpy looking horse than textureless scenery.

If you can come up with a fix to Unreal Engine’s limitations so easily, I’m sure Funcom would love to hire you. Just send a job application. Many people will be grateful to you because they’ve wanted mounts ever since early access.

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How i picture Jens after he reads this thread…

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I suggest making a seperate suggestions thread for these.

Meanwhile, the following issues are in the mod, this was brought up by someone in discord today. I would like to know if you guys would have an idea whether these are or are not in some way or another

  • due to the engine,
  • able to be solved.

If you have any other notes, it’s good to know, so please leave them here.

  • Riding the Walkable Mounts is causing the players Mesh to become elongated after dismounting.
  • Dismounting can also sometimes cause the Camera Angle to become tilted.
  • Vanity Camera (third person free rotation) does not work while mounted.
  • When dismounting, camera changes to a weird angle, looking at everything like my head is tilted.
  • Mammoth apparently flies.
  • Mounts can stand on water (or a few inches above it), but cant move.
  • Moving sideways (A and D) causes crazy camera shaking.
  • Mounts are extremely slow at the moment.
  • Mounts rotate up and down in addition to left and right.

(A comment from Steam, also in the same post):

“When and if you get this mod to work, it really messes up everything. I don’t know if it collided with other mods or what but the experience was horrible. When the admin used the panther mount, it made HIM the mount and it took over MY character. I fell through the map, lost all my stuff. And when it spawned me back in, it forced me to start a new character over like my character was erased. This mod is broken and I do NOT suggest trying this until it’s fixed. This is a DANGEROUS mod in the state that it is in.”

A lot of people want to see the game advance, but there’s a lot of ground to cover. If someone reads this article it’s probably Scooper, he sure left his account on for long to finally find these fixes…like, 24/7 :wink:

Okay, so coding itself is the main problem here. I’m gonna run this thread this over to some friends and I’ll report back when I know something.

Sure, go ahead.

They recently announced an optimization of the loading of the constructions, solving this problem in the logic, when “this is not ARK” if the APEX said “This is not Fortinaite” the game would not exist and it would not be a phenomenon, surely the games have YES that look at the similar and add to your mechanics what everyone is liking adapting as in the case of “dinosaurs for the dragons”, in the end the ideal is to be better for the player and not the more original

As for the loading speed of the map, the dragon could fly in a height that did not carry the details, which would make the loading very light, and would only carry the details when you gave the command to land it, loading 100% only that area in back from the landing place, this could be solved in this way, just create a standard flight height and a set takeoff system.

As for landing on bases in strategic places such as on mountains, it is enough to program for agent not to be able to program the landing in areas with owner.

Yet another solution to loading following the above logic is to have 2 flight speeds, the “fast” above the height where the game would load the details, and the speed below that height where where the dragon flight same speed of the running NPC would be a sort of “to sound” to land

“to soar” not “sound” sory

I appreciate your input.

Me and TheLOLxd2 weren’t talking about baby dragons. He and I were discussion about why the horses weren’t functioning correctly when Funcom had troubles. I’m currently getting to the bottom of this consulting with people who also have coding knowledge. There will be horses if I have to scour the entire internet finding coders who can help out. My fingers will eventually have carpal tunnel. Conan Exiles and the forum staff have been very nice and I’m very thankful.

no but ark does… oh boy here it comes: “this isnt ark”. The engine has the same core limitations. Mounts are possible without glitching period. I dont want them but this argument about glitching and load times is absurd. Im happy to accept Funcom can’t manage to figure it out, we all have our personal limitations and skillsets thats fine but dont dare blame the engine.

Hmm… haven’t convinced myself this would be a good idea yet, but it might be interesting to have a side quest line that involved somehow acquiring a bat-like demon’s loyalty to you. Then you could construct one (like a bedroll, a second would auto-delete the first) landing zone for the bat demon. Then you could summon the bat demon (maybe a sorcery-related thing) from anywhere outside of a dungeon after you have been out of combat for x seconds and it would fly in, grab you, and fly (i.e. teleport) you back to the landing zone you have built.

Sounds to me like you don’t really understand what the engine limitations are. People are right to respond with “this isn’t Ark”. It’s not a question of whether or not the engine can handle the concept of mounts. It’s a question of what are you willing to give up to make them work in CE.

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