Funcom I see that you have cool concept art for princess ceremonial clothes that didn’t make it into the game. A lot of players would appreciate more jewelry, skimpy debaucheries of derketo style of cosmetics.
Funcom I see that you have cool concept art for princess ceremonial clothes that didn’t make it into the game. A lot of players would appreciate more jewelry, skimpy debaucheries of derketo style of cosmetics.
Not arguing that more clothing options would be nice, especially with the illusion system options.
There are a few good ones already.
Derketo, Zath, and Set all have fairly spicy religious outfits craftable at their altars.
The Slave Forged Ceremonial light set from Isle of Siptah is also appropriate in this regard. Altho it doesn’t always take dyes especially well.
As far as fantasy/sword and sorcery tropes, they are still definitely missing the skull-kini.
I say we riot.
I thought she was just wearing the Bejewelled Chains set, but maybe the top is different?
This one is not yet to the pitchforks and torches phase.
There is plenty of time for a skull-kini or bra made out of skeletal hands. And to ensure equal representation, bone banana hammocks.
The skirt from the Pictish Dancer is also pretty good in this specific regard.
The other parts may have too much plumage, but the loin cloth generalizes nicely.
That’s what I thought at first as well, but I’m not too sure.
Yeah, definitely different. Inspected closely. For science. Unfortunately, they got lazy and put her in the bejeweled outfit in game.
Yes, I agree we need more feminine armor/clothing
When you go to her in game, yes, she is in bejeweled.
The concept art looks a little different from bejeweled.
This one thinks some players want the metal framed silk neglige from the art as an in game equipable.
For generalization, the male version could be a tiny vest with no shirt underneath, or, like the Stygian or Darfari tops, just be a collar/jewelry.
As for in game assets, this one would like to once again request Valeria’s outfit from Siptah be added to the Bazaar.
It’s completely different than dancers bejewelled chain set. You can see she have crown with sapphire like gem.
Why not make a Princess Leia’s metal bikini set, too? I’m sure it’d sell more than bread.
The Mouse loves it’s cease and desist orders.
So it would have to be a pallette swap.
I wholeheartedly support this noble request for more scantily clad thralls to fuel our decadent playstyles.
I wish we would’ve gotten the more grand headpieces for Derketo, the skull is alright… but that mohawk just looks so much better.
You clothe your thralls?
I think I’d also like Valeria’s outfit to be added to her body. She’s still a floating head, cleavage, and hands (on PlayStation at least).
The more the game looks like a Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo, and other similar artists’ paintings… the more in the right direction it goes IMO.
I grew up with 1980s Barbarian movies as I called them. They’re commonly known as Sword and Sorcery (Conan the Barbarian, Beastmaster, and others). And the style has always stuck with me. Especially enjoying the artwork of said artists in just about every fantasy and scifi game printed in the 1990s when I was in High School.
What always struck me about the art is you can look at a single scene, and tell what the entire story was about. Through the poses of the characters, the looks in their eyes, you can come up in your imagination the various points in the story leading up to that climatic final encounter.
Playing in such a world crafting and inspired by this genre is what makes Conan Exiles so damn satisfying. And I don’t believe I am alone in this given how many of you nerds ( ) have thousands of hours played just as I do.
Patrician taste.
Do you also consider Brom a member of that particular art club?
While he definitely came late to the party, this one feels he fits more with the aforementioned than more “High Fantasy” artists such as Elmore and Easley.
That he also was a prime illustrator for what this one considers the best ttrpg setting is possibly related.
That the Death Deale- er Silent Legion armour looks as it does is one of this one’s favourite aesthetics for heavy armour in this game.
Is there an outfit with a single scale sleeve current existent in game?
One could also, to some extent, Serpieri a bit. Sure, he does more dystopian society sci-fi, but much of his style is a dead ringer for the aforementioned artists. And who wouldn’t wanna make their character look like Druuna?
Yes, definitely. Brom’s Howardian art captures the classic Sword & Sorcery atmosphere very well. To me he’s right there with Boris and Frazetta.
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