Before i start i will clarify one thing. None of the challenges i created in the past was to exhibit skills. All of them was made for just one reason, to play the game i love in alternative ways. Every single time i was learning something new, something that was under my nose all this time and i just couldnât see it, play it and enjoy it. All the challenges i created can be done by literally everyone, even a new player thatâs about 500 hours in game at least. Keep in mind that 500 is a speculation number, it can be less or more. But i believe that lower than these hours is a bit difficult to know properly our map.
With that said i proceed to the child of Crom challenge.
A simple challenge, almost everything is allowed with only a few minor forbids.
- You have 20 minutes from the time youâll spawn in the map to go to the unnamed city, so make sure youâll get with you all the water, the food and the aloes you need. Youâll be allowed to leave the unnamed city only when you got the sword of Crom, yet until you gain it you can use any weapon rng drops. If you wonât make it and you die from starvation or whatever else (
) recreate character.
- As soon as youâll get your sword of Crom you can exit the unnamed city and proceed regularly your game, but all the rest weapons you loot so far are not allowed, neither for you or your thralls.
- Pets and mounts allowed, you can have as much as pets as you wish (after you obtain the sword of course).
- No slavery allowed, only mercenary thralls and crafters you can buy and thralls you gain from purge cages. But, for every purge level you win you will be allowed to go out for crafter hunting if you wish. One for each level you win, which means in total 9 crafters since if you win lvl X you will need nothing more
. Your thralls are not allowed to use legendary gear or weapons except the hammer of Crom of course, we are the children of Crom after all.
Win all the purge lvls, make all the dungeons and gather the artifacts to exit the Exile lands, by using Only the sword of Crom. Your choice if you wish to remove your bracelet but you have to present the key.
This participation will take place on an official server. I choose official server gaming because of the difficulty of the terrain. The fighting performance is not good on line and things can become way more difficult than the ones @SpherisCore asked to be done in the madness challenge. Other than that, most of the players here are official servers lovers. We need better officials to enjoy the width of the options this game gives.
Believe in Crom only and Dominate the lands.
Have fun!
Edit. Like @Deamo said very correctly, you must choose your main religion for Crom in the beginning. If you wish to learn other religions for fun, do it, but you are not allowed to use them.
Crom rules