Changing PvE conflict servers to PvP

Hey all,

Thanks for letting us know how you feel about the change. I’ll be the first to admit this isn’t an ideal situation, and I understand if you’re frustrated about it.

As the pitchforks impale me, I would like to first at least present our reasoning behind the change:

  1. From a numbers perspective, our timeline data showed PvE Conflict servers were generally under capacity at many times, which tells us the servers weren’t as popular.
  2. There was overwhelming demand for new servers, particularly PvP servers, which data showed were packed at nearly all times. A look at social media or the forums corroborates this!

In order to meet the demands of the rapidly-growing community, we wanted to fast-track as many new PvP servers online as possible. This included converting PvE Conflict into PvP servers.

Now, clearly, there’s some unrest about this decision. We certainly can’t blame you and we’re sorry for disrupting your gaming experience. Now, I’ll be honest: while we can’t give any immediate promises about what the future of PvE Conflict as a game mode will be in the future, I will say the team is acutely aware of the feedback you’re sending our way.

So please, keep letting us know what you think. Thanks all.