Chests decayed in base and lost important items

Two chests decayed in our base containing all our metals and blacksmith materials, also an armour chest filled with all our legendary armour, and legendary repair kits. Our clan is active and logs in everyday. Why did they decay? Is there a way to retrieve these items lost?

First chest decayed; 9th April 2023, 21:19.
Second chest decayed; 9th April 2023, 21:55

Help would be much appreciated.

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5 (Digital Edition)
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: #3181

Bug Description:

Chests decayed in base and lost important items.

Bug Reproduction:


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Welcome to the Forum. Unfortunately there is nothing Funcom can do to replace your gear. Please place your chests on foundations or ceiling tiles with 100 stability have not put any on shelves for years. Also I don’t put them on rugs. Sorry for your loss. @DR_TakeNote

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^^ Absolutely agree with @sestus2009. DO NOT place chests on shelving. This is a well known bug that has been in the game for a couple of years sadly.


Yes I lost several chests on our private server not a big deal but on official we are much more careful. Working hard for that stuff

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Hey, you’re on the same server as me, sorry to hear you lost your chests and gear. I’ve got quite a big base with just 1 other clan member and I’ve never had a chest disappear. If they are on a work bench etc and that item is removed, they can disappear. Also if the ground beneath them goes, I’ve heard of them disappearing. But if your base and the parts they are on were not damaged or decayed and they were on the ground, I’m not sure why they disappeared.

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Thanks for the explanation. They were indeed on shelves. Going to quickly move the others on to the floor now, making sure to check the stability (all walls were 100% stability, and shelves full HP). My friend has played this game from the first year, played on many servers, and never had this happen. We must have just got unlucky. Thankfully it was only two chests. Once again, thanks for the help.

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I think our error was having them placed on shelves as explained by sestus2009. If you’ve got any chests on shelves get them off and on to the floor. Happy hunting.

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You can place a bowl on top of a chest and stack another on top. I have had no problems stacking chests this way hope it helps

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Thanks. Sorting it now.

Thanks. May try with some less important chests. Not risking it with the good stuff though. :slight_smile:

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I’ve also lost chests just by stacking them directly on other chests.

Stopped doing they after I lost 2 chests when one of them mysteriously lost stability.

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If it’s the same old bug, it has to do with how the building is loaded in whenever you approach it. If the server loads in the chest before the thing that it’s sitting on, it decides it has no stability and destroys it. I’m guessing this was part of an optimization where they do the stability check “on the fly” as your base loads (prioritizing structural objects like foundations, walls, ceilings, etc.), rather than completely loading everything in first, followed by doing a stability check on everything afterwards.


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