Chests won't lock on private server

Game mode: [Online | Multiplayer]
Problem: [Misc]
Region: [America]

[I started up a private server and only problem I’m having and my friends is we cannot lock up chests and vaults. New here didn’t know who to contact. I’ve tried changing the settings to fix problem but nothing works. Hopefully can be fixed I want to go public with my server soon.]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

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You’re server settings ignore ownership and the other one. One doesn’t allow anyone one but owner to get in chests or benches and wheels of pain no need to lock them up. The other requires chests to be manually locked. Also benches and wheels of pain are not lockable. I keep things locked on my server. You can do it in game in settings I am not at home and can’t remember witch one you want try it both ways. Good Luck

2 settings:
NoOwnership - Make sure this one is set to False
ContainersIgnoreOwnership: True - Your chests will be unlocked but can be locked from the radial menu, your crafting stations, animal pens, thrall wheels, altars will be free for all to loot. False - Your chests and stations will be locked by default even if it says they are open.


I couldn’t figure out how to configure the ownership settings but I will try that way. Thank you so much.

@Narelle thanks for explaining that better than I did been along time since I have messed with that setting

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