When captured in the wild and in placement preview, female Cimmerian Berserkers have a wide range of breast sizes. Regardless of what is shown in the preview, however, after placement their breast size significantly increases – often larger than maximum size. There are 1-2 exceptions such as the berserkers that share the Dalinsia template and a couple others.
Some people I’ve mentioned this bug to have said something along the lines of “woohoo, boobies”. I’m sorry, but the max size breasts look absolutely hideous and make most armors look comical. I realize there are other, more important bugs out there but please look into this because it is incredibly annoying for those of us that don’t want an army of followers that look like refugees from a Hentai movie.
Steps to reproduce (on Official servers – I was unable to reproduce in Single Player):
Capture female Cimmerian Berserker. Note how it looks when captured and in the wheel.
Place Cimmerian Berserker. Again, note how it looks in preview.
Note how it’s breasts inflate after placement.
I am the type to knock out thousands of NPCs and only keep the ones with max chest size, but having them all be maxed out trivializes the task of making a Hentai army. And I support everyone being able to create the experience they want to create, not being forced into whatever poor decisions Funkhram makes. So I second the motion to remove breast inflation. Just let NPCs spawn with a variety of physical attributes and retain those attributes when you thrall them.
It’s probably not only those specific thralls that are affected, from what I’ve seen on my private server (minimal mods for vanity and lightweight UI only). Terribly annoying because it just looks so silly (why is it even an option to make them that big in Vanilla game, I never understood when the rest of the game looks great and other sliders are SO limited by comparison).
I’ve always wanted a server-wide max boob slider setting, it looks like the mod Tot! Custom actually does the trick, it has an option to add slider limits. I thought it would only affect players but actually haven’t seen any more NPCs spawning with ridiculous breasts since setting it up.
Well that’s a problem I wouldn’t mind having . Unless this is a new bug, it never happened to me. They all come with different sized breasts, usually more on the small end.
O.P. Are you using any mods?
I only ask because I noticed this type of thing happening when certain mods were installed.
Innocuous mods you wouldn’t think should have any effect on such things.
I’ve also been seeing inflated breast sizes for several thralls… not just Cimmerians.
Have a Stygian Dancer which also ballooned. If you place her in a chair or behind a bar, the size normalizes. Standing/emoting anywhere else grants her the breast size EX+ effect. (unsure of faction as it was a tavern hire)
Note: Only affects newly acquired thralls. Old thralls maintain their previous sizes.
Another example… increase is more modest though:
Sonja the Strider - Chapter 2 purge reward.
I made a joke about a dan… entertainer I hired from my tavern. She stood up and poof, apparently she spent the gold on implants. I’ve had it happen with a couple of entertainers.
I think they return to a pre fixed set of definitions, @DeaconElie . Something similar happens if you spawn a thrall in SP mode, via admin panel. The thrall will have some fixed and shared characteristics while you are placing it. Once you place it, its true features reveal themselves. I think eyes, nose and breasts are affected.
I wonder if when thralls sit they don’t enter that “preview state”. If you notice, the same happens when they come out of the wheel. While they are there, you can’t tell how they will be once placed. When they get up in the tavern, their features reveal themselves again like when you spawn and place a thrall in the fashion I described above or when you take it from the wheel.
This bug happened some years ago, disappeared, and resurfaced in AoS.
Just recently I’ve seen a cannibal brute carrying two watermelons!
Usually the darfari ladies tend to be “flat surfaces”.
And of course i took her with me.
(To show her my stamp collection… not what you nasty boys think!)
So for some people this could also be a chance to find something unique!
Ever wanted a heavy chested black beauty?
… There you go
No mods: this is on OFFICIAL exiled lands servers. I don’t think it happens with other thrall models since last patch I placed many Cannibal brutes and never noticed this issue. It’s definitely a bug with Cimmerian females. It seems that the moment you place, the breast slider increases by about 50%: so ones with small breasts end up with large ones, and ones with already large breasts end up with comically huge ones.
Probably why this bug will never get fixed. Most players are like ‘yay boobies’ and are happy about it. IMHO the boob sliders on both minimum and maximum look horrible and unnatural - the max sized ones especially. TBH they actually look larger than what is possible with the max size slider. They also deform most armor models very badly.
Regardless of whether you like huge fake boobs or not, having an army with ridiculously oversized gravity-defying watermelons like this makes it look like the game was made by 12 year olds:
To clarify, I am female before you think I’m a young man.
Breasts can be large without being fake. I understand your frustration though. The minimum setting is highly disappointing, if I have it that low I don’t want them.
As for armor, I recommend silent legion or the Turanian armor that was out three passes ago ish.
I agree. It is comical and ridiculous to protest for breasts size of toons . It’s been some time ago that someone was protesting about male* sizes…
It’s a game.
We play for fun.
So i would suggest to keep “only” this part, the fun part.
I never saw that, but I would love it, although they are very elegant with their usual breast size. But the more variety, the better.
The problem with small breasts in this game is that their design is awful. IRL there are very beautiful small breasts, which isn’t the case here.
I’ve been asking for customizable thrall appearance for years with no success…
Manga and anime characters have disproportional assets and unrealistic measures. If you transposed those characters to reality, they would look like aberrations, yet they look beautiful on paper/screen. It works in that universe with that graphism. There are reasons for that. Inform yourself before insulting people, because the only one with issues here seems to be you.
You can capture female zerkers and make them wear armor that completely flatten their breast, if it bothers you that much. There are a few available.